Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Opening of the cross-country season


Thanks to the abundant energy of the Vice-President, Mikele, the members of the Club smoothly, within a week, transferred from biking into x-country. Last Sunday saw already 14+ persons attending. 

Monday, November 22, 2021

 Haslo…Yukon 2021.

Wyruszylismy na Yukon z Edmonton, w sobote, 24. lipca. Bylo nas lacznie 8 “YukoPoli” (nazwa grupy to pomysl Beaty): 3 pary w wypozyczonym vanie, Joanna i Piotr, Beata i Witek oraz Grazyna i Marek, plus 4-ta para, Basia i Krzysztof, w swoim pick-up-ie.

 Odnosnie trasy to zatwierdzilismy plan wycieczki zaproponowany przez Joanne z pewnymi poprawkami naniesionymi przez reszte zalogi. Nasza trasa to: Edmonton  - Haines Junction, 2143 km, oraz powrot do Edmonton, inna droga przez B.C., 2509 km. Razem 4652 km samej “glownej” drogi (zobacz mape ponizej). Lacznie przejechalismy oczywiscie znacznie wiecej bo … 5,500 km!


Monday, November 15, 2021

Recovery Camp in Manitou Springs Resort (SK)


A group of our Club members participated in the Recovery Camp in Manitou Springs Resort in Saskatchewan. We soaked our aching muscles and bones in the healing waters of Little Manitou Lake for 2-3 days. Here, thoroughly purified, we are "full of energy and enthusiastic about life."

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

A beautiful day on Powderface Ridge.

 16 October 2021

Powderface Ridge, 2210 m, (Little Elbow, Kananaskis), +594 m, 10 km. 

What a beautiful day it was! A sheer joy of being in the mountains in spite of late time in the season. 

Friday, October 8, 2021

History of the Club


The history of the Club could probably be traced to early 2000s when, with Randy Iwanciwski (kneeling in red jacket), I organized a series of hikes, also called "pilgrimages," to Roche Miette Mountain in Jasper NP. 

Monday, October 4, 2021

The Goddesses of Prairie Mountain.

 Saturday, 2 October 2021

Prairie Mountain, 2210 m, 6.8 km return, +680 m altitude gain, 4.5 hours. Elbow, Kananaskis. (To see pictures in higher resolution, click on them). 

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Mikele's birthday party.


It was this time of the year when one of the most prominent members of the Club, the Vice-President, Michal, known in some circles as "Mikele," celebrated his birthday. In the past he would throw lavish parties at his place. This year he chose an open air venue. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Mass mobilization on Mount Solomon (1585 m)

Pospolite Ruszenie or Mass Mobilization on Mount Solomon

18 September 2021 
12.5 km, +570 m, 5.5 hours
(to see a picture in bigger size, click on it)

For the group photo, our court photographer most likely needed to use a wide angle lens
to make sure that all participants would fit in the frame.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Benefis Bośni

 26 August 2021

Dear Friends, last Thursday a big group of our club members, and a broader Polish (and international) Community, gathered in Hawrelak Park to celebrate our Esteemed Member, Bożena Wojno, on occasion of her receiving ...

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Birthday on Mt. Loki

 18 August 2021

Mt. Loki, 2771 m, is a "cultish" mountain in the Central Kootenay Valley in British Columbia. I had a pleasure of scrambling this mountain in 2020 (see the photostory). This time I had a privilege of guiding to this mountain the two fantastic ladies - Barbara and Teresa - on Barbara's birthday!

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Full Monty (almost) in Arnica Lake

 1 August 2021

Having extended, and in some cases over-extended, ourselves the previous day on Emerald Peak and Mount Carnarvon, we opted for something "leisury" - a hike to Arnica Lake, the distance of around 9.6 km (return), with the altitude gain/loss of +760/-200. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Bow Glacier Falls, Banff National Park, lipiec 24/2021

Zmęczeni, po sportowym wyczynie na Observation Peak, wybraliśmy łatwy i przyjemny cel niedzielnej wyprawy - Bow Glacier Falls. 

Friday, July 30, 2021

Observation Peak (3174 m), Banff National Park, 24 lipiec 2021

Do podnóża góry dotarliśmy dość wcześnie. Zapowiadało się na wspinaczkę w bardzo zadymionym powietrzu, co nie zachęcało do radosnego startu. Pomimo tego wspaniała, doświadczona grupa nie poddała się ponurym nastrojom i entuzjastycznie wyruszyła na trasę.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Getting wet at Helen Lake

 Near Helen Lake, Banff National Park, 4 July 2021

To see a short (3:35 min) film from this adventure, click on the picture. 

To see a photostory from this adventure, click this: https://pmdkwe.blogspot.com/2021/07/helen-lake-dolomite-ridge.html


Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Mist Mountain and Troll Falls - July 2021

Mid July adventure in Kananaskis 
Part 1 - Saturday, July 17 - Mist Summit 
Part 2 - Sunday, July 18 - Troll Falls

Monday, July 19, 2021

Mist Mountain 2021, short movie collage

Mist Mountain, July 2021 

Hiking Onion Peak Movie.


Przeżyjmy to jeszcze raz ... Let's live through this one more time ... to see a movie from the Onion Peak Hike click on the picture. Aby zobaczyć film, kliknij na zdjęcie. 


Saturday, July 10, 2021

Fox Via Ferrata (Nordegg)

 5 July 2021

Fox Via Ferrata, David Thompson Corridor Climbing Association, +180 m, rated: Blue, 3.5 hours. 

Roman Lipiecki approaching the crux on the Fox Via Ferrata. 

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Hej, Sobótka, Sobótka ...

Dear Members,

while professional movies are being worked on, let me share first impressions from the very auspicious event that took place yesterday. In Poland it is known as "Noc Kupały," "Sobótka" or "Noc świętojańska," which in the Western world is often translated as "Midsummer Night" or "Summer Solstice" celebration. 

Friday, June 18, 2021

Monday, June 14, 2021

Baldy Pass, Mt. Baldy South & Midnight Peak, Season Opening

Finally it was time to go to the mountains! And what Season Opening it was! Sixteen members of the Polish Men and Women Hiking Club of Alberta attended. 

Gennady, Piotr, Barbara, Beata, Andrzej, Teresa, Łukasz, Joasia, Marta, Elżbieta, Małgosia, Jarek, Basia, Mike i Michał. Missing (taking picture): Andy. All hiked 10 km (return) to Baldy Pass (+550 m), then seven participants topped Mt. Baldy South (2145 m), while two "Harpagons" made both Baldy South and Midnight Peak (2348 m). 

Sunday, June 6, 2021

2020 Photo-Competition Awards Ceremony

We used to have our Awards Ceremonies in the beginning of February in Polish Syrena Club. However, this year, due to Covid restrictions and closure of the Syrena, we had to look for some alternatives. In the end, the Ceremony took place yesterday, 5th of June, in Hawrelak Park. And what a joyous occasion it was:

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Cycling with the Polish Beauties in the River Valley or how to avoid construction sites.

 To celebrate the first Thursday in June, which happened to be one of the nicest days so far this season, our Polish Beauties under the leadership of Ela organized a bicycle trip in the River Valley.


Monday, May 31, 2021




The "End of Prohibiton" Hike in the River Valley

 On May 29 we all met united under this great banner to take the part in our famous End-of-Prohibition hike. It was really nice to see that so many people turned out in support of this worthy cause!

Even some of our dear Members, whom we all love, recovered miraculously to attend our march.




Monday, May 24, 2021

Victoria Day Kayaking on the Big Lake in St Albert, AB

 We opened our kayaking season this year by going to the Big Lake in St Albert.

Victoria Day long weekend seemed like a good day to open the season.

This time of the year the lake offers nice kayaking opportunities, since it tends to be overgrown with algae later in the season.

Yesterday in St. Albert

 Kayaking, biking and...

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

A pivotal moment

 As it happens in life of all "true men" a pivotal moment comes when one has to release his ...

... climbing gear! No, it hasn't happen to me yet, but this time came to one of the Founding Fathers of our Club - Jacek Wojno. 

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Elk Island Park under beautiful leadership

This time we were really lucky. We did not have just one leader, but two beautiful and sexy lady leaders, our Superwomen,

 Excellent Ela....

...and Terrific Teresa.

They invited us for a hike in Elk Island National Park on Friday, May 14.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Riverside Walk or Happy Ending

On Sunday afternoon three Trip Leaders plus Ged, the dog, showed up at Rowland Park Lookout to discuss plans for the season and get into form. It was still kind of cold in the wind, but it didn't stop us from the esthetic pleasures of looking at our beautiful city across the river. 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

A short video by Andy Rutkowski:


WHITEMUD CREEK RAVINE - Wonderful 11 km natural hike in the middle of Edmonton, Canada. Whitemud Creek Ravine is a nature reserve in the heart of the city, complete with old-growth forest. Despite its proximity to busy roads like Whitemud Drive and 23 Ave, it’s a great place to distance yourself from the bustle of the city. This video was recorded in mid April and covers the trail from MacTaggart Sanctuary (23rd ave) to Whitemud Park near Fox Drive.