17 Lipiec 2022
(Clicking on the photos allows to see them in greater size)
Troll Falls is an easy hike (3.4 km, +154 m) near the Wilderness Hostel in Kananaskis. It is an excellent objective for the "second day," assuming you hiked hard the previous day.
The previous night Witek shared with Mike, and the rest of the group, how impressed he was seeing, in some distant countries, a young woman having a few holes in her jeans on her bum.
Asia took it to heart and proved to everyone that a hole on her thigh can also be very "inspiring!" And who would question it?
We reached the Lower Falls in no time - this was more a walk than a hike.
Nethertheless, it was a nice spot to take a few ...
... "loving photographs."
One could also claim that, in Barbara's case - "water went to her head" ("woda poszła jej do głowy").
However, we wanted more so we went to the Middle and Upper Falls.
Elżbieta shined on bridges ...
... while Grażyna shined on stairs.
From behind the Middle Falls, Roman took this "artistic" picture.
Unfortunately, all this splashing water made Bożena to slip ...
... and hurt her knee. We all agreed that the best remedy for this injury will be ... kissing this spot by Jacek!
This didn't stop Bo from joining Barbara in making the Upper Falls looking very sexy! (We only learned later that during the same fall, Bo injured her thumb, which required putting it into gypsum.)
Using the rare opportunity (Mike not reaching this spot), I snatched a quick photo with Barbara.
Soon, it was time to bid farewell to the Troll Falls and to each other. These two days were fantastic!
Barbara ate her sandwich "w naprędce" (quickly) ...
... while Elżbieta finally found her telephone!
With Jacek and Mike we also soaked our aching muscles in Banff Hot Springs ...
... while allowing Bożena to lift up her spirit with the local (Canmore) French pastries!
The ride home would probably be considered uneventful ...
... if it was not for the fact that on our way we picked up "dwie wywłoki!" :-)
Until the next time!
The trip back was very eventful. We came to interesting conclusions about "wszy i ludzie" (lice and men)