Monday, October 10, 2022

Sulphur Skyline - Thanksgiving tradition!

From the left: Jola, Keith, Barbara, Anna, Boris, Renata, Yanek, Gosia, Monica, Zosia, Jason, Bo, Gaggi and Roman. 

Tradition, tradition, tradition! It has been a tradition in our Club to go to Sulphur Skyline on Thanksgiving weekend, tradition interrupted only by occasions of bad weather. The attractive aspect of this hike is that it can be combined with the visit to Miette Hot Springs, just before is closes for the winter season. 

There were years when we already had a bit of snow on the mountain (for instance, see the story from the year 2018 - here). This year the weather was fantastic so it attracted crowds!


We met all at 10:00 in the parking lot near to Miette Hot Springs. 

Only Team Boris was six minutes (!) late as they treated themselves to some lavish breakfast on the way. 

Seeing naked legs of Elzbieta ...

... I quickly decided that I needed to warm myself up ...

... with a few selfies!

Gaggi preferred to lift women up (very advanced trick!). 

Then Keith, better known in our Club as Kitus (read Kitoush) requested yoga (!), which Bosnia ...

... promptly delivered, with her natural passion and enthusiasm. She, Ela and Robert went then to Jasper for their traditional "kaweczka" (coffee). 

Nicely warmed up, we hit the trail ...

... with Boris and Roman at the head. 

Jason and Zosia had it easy as they were pulled up by Piper, their lovely female dog (in the age of political correctness, I hesitate to use the word "bitch"). 

Lacking this kind of support, having a month long break in physical activity, I simply had no legs to keep up with the group. Even Gaggi left me behind! So at this point I decided to go back. 

The advantage was that I was the first one (literally the first) to the pools!

In the meantime, the group persisted up the slopes. Gosia, Renata and Bo were among the best. 

They bravely tackled the upper section (which however is not as steep as this picture seems to suggest). 

Soon, in spite of the sun shining straight into their eyes, they approximated the summit. Wonderful views were opening up with every meter of the trail!

The day was beautiful so they were naturally happy after reaching the summit ...

... in a very good time of 1:43 minutes.

They reinforced their bodies with snacks (and beer?) ... 

... which was followed by a series ...

... of group photos. 

It was windy at times ...

... but it didn't stop them from enjoying the vistas. 

However, because of the strong and strange light ...

... mysterious phenomena started to happen. Gaggi and Kitus appeared bigger than in real life!

Gaggi also looked especially handsome and irresistible in his manly charms!

This is likely what could explain his sudden disappearance on the way down!

When they reached the parking after, all together, 4 hours of action ...

... Gaggi was nowhere to be seen. 

Barbara was so distressed by the disappearance of Gaggi that she got very close, less than 50 m, to the pools! (She hates water). 

After Gaggi was luckily recovered, it was time to celebrate ...

... which made for a fine return journey for some!

My recompense was riding with a very sexy driver! 

What an experience this daytrip was for all! But don't give in to the winter yet. Weather permitting, there is another trip coming in a few days!

With Love and Support, Piotr. 


  1. What a great trip! Too bad I had to miss it! You are so lucky.

  2. Piekna Thanksgiving 🦃💕tradycja i jest za co dziękować urocza grupa i niesamowicie piękny dzień i i na dodatek duzo dobrego humoru🤩🍷
    Pozdrawiam i do zobaczenia na górskim szlaku- Maya
