Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Big men (and Grazyna) on Big Lake (St. Albert)

Monday, 11 July 2022Big Lake is a ... big lake near St. Albert. 

Called by the Big Man, Marian ...

... we met in Louis Riel Recreational Park to do some kayaking last Monday. There were five strong kayakers attending, but we all knew that the most important person will be ... 

... Grazyna! Somehow every photostory looks better when there is an attractive woman present in the pictures. 

Chivalry Marek and Roman rushed to launch Grazyna in such a manner that she didn't have to wet her feet. For her part, one have to admit, Grazyna was carrying paddles by ... Werner!

Men, too, had no choice but to help each other. 

Roman was already in nostalgia after launching Grazyna ...

... trying to paddle next to her most of the time. 

Although big, Big Lake is rather shallow with a lot of the "green stuff" visible most of the time. 

This doesn't explain however why the boys took Grazyna straight into "tatarak!" ("Czy pamiętasz tę noc w tataraku?")

Roman tried to impress her with his muscular and well tanned biceps and chest! 

Marian on the other hand ...

... attempted to demonstrate his technical proficiency. He was the only one to have a water pump in his kayak. 

My approach was to strike a pose a la Clint Eastwood while exposing ... my new life jacket! This however made me look somewhat pregnant. The new jacket, from Costco, but of course, worked wonders that day. It allowed for much more comfortable paddling than the previous one, thanks to the ample room under armpits. If only my kayak "wanted" to be faster!

Only Mikele looked somewhat alienated, keeping his distance from Grazyna, and chasing ...

... beavers and giant albatrosses! He claimed he was missing something or ... someone!

After three hours of delightful paddling ...

... we returned to Riel Recreational Park for a short social. 

We attempted to get Grażyna interested in a beer or wine to see, if after a "one," she would be more willing to "pójść na całość."

However this was all in vain. Grażyna is known for her ironclad love for her hubby, Marek, who is a man of many talents. He managed our interest in Grażyna with true stoicism! Thus, in a sense, he is a ... Big Man!

And then ... there was Roman guarding her from the other side!!! Nec Hercules contra plures!

Nevertheless, the presence of Grażyna made this year paddling on Big Lake much more interesting, comparing to the previous one. One could only wish that more female members of our Club will join us in the future, not only in the mountains, but also ... on water! 

Until that time ...


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