Friday, September 11, 2020

Healing vertigo on Tent Ridge Horseshoe

 6 September 2020

With a weather deterioration warning, what looked like a big expedition to Tent Ridge Horseshoe in Kananaskis, was reduced to just five persons: Mike, this writer, and three Fantastic Women! Though the clouds were heavy in Banff in the morning, for the whole day we enjoyed excellent weather. To paraphrase a popular saying (don't praise the day before the sunset), I would assert - "Don't discard the day before 10:00 am!"
(to see the images in their original size, click on them)

Barbara delivered as safely, in her white Jeep, over 40 km of gravel road, to the trailhead, just at the time of Ewa's arrival from Calgary. 

Having a printout of the route from AllTrails, I was able to quickly find the proper direction. If you want to take the recommended clockwise direction, from the parking spot you go back on the road, for about 50 m. Through the day we met a few parties who, unintentionally, took the counter clock direction by rushing up the road. 

This obstacle, visible from the Mt. Shark road, marking the beginning of the clockwise direction, was successfully negotiated by all our ladies.

Initially, the trail meanders gently through the forest ...

... but soon opens up to alpine meadows, encircled by the Tent Ridge. 

Shortly we neared the first scrambling section.

For this occasion, Barbara No.2, known also as "Basienka," decided to take off her long johns!

And justifiably so! The crux looked rather unappealing.

So this was the spot where Barbara faced a serious decision. On a couple of our trips, Barbara, claiming to suffer from the "fear of heights," known in some circles as "vertigo," refused to continue. Perhaps because it was so early on our route, this time Barbara decided to try a new approach - she proceeded by looking at nothing else but ... my boots!

A couple of spots required, in fact, a bit of courage, as can be seen from this and the next photos. 

All the ladies showed a lot of (Polish) character, and soon could relax above the worst part. 

Basienka was visibly relieved ...

... and positively glowing!

In the meantime, Mike negotiated this exposed couloir.

Elated, the ladies quickly reached the first top of the ridge ...

... with the weather station. As it was around midday, we had something to eat. 

Wonderful views opened up in all directions ...

... including toward the next top on our ridge (on the right).

We had to descent a bit ...

... and then climb back. 

Feeling "very secure," the ladies were jumping from a rock to a rock like mountain goats!

We even photographed a few "monuments of nature!"

From the highest point on the ridge (2550 m) ...

... the remaining portion looked rather uncomplicated. 

It got colder and windier however. We met a few parties expressing regrets about going counterclockwise on account of the grueling scree they had to overcome in order to get on the ridge. 

Toward the end of the horseshoe we got a glimpse of the famous Mt. Assiniboine, the Matterhorn of the Rockies, visible in the distance between Mike and Basienka. 

This, or something else, put our ladies "in the mood" for some yoga! 

They stroke a few poses against the beautiful background of Spray Lakes Reservoir. 

As there were a few aides showing us the proper way down, we didn't have difficulty finding our cars. 

Shortly before the end of the hike, we heard Barbara shouting: "Free at last (from vertigo), free at last, God Almighty, I am free at last!" 

For the record I give my GPS reading: 12.2 km, +886 m (cumulative), and 7.04 hours. Many people claim to do this trail in about 5 hours, but taking into consideration the average age of our group - 7 hours is not a bad result.

And if you would want to free yourself from vertigo, check my rates on



  1. Bardzo ładne zdjęcia ale to tylko z powodu piękności uczestniczących pań. Moje gratulacje!!!

  2. Thanks Peter;
    Great reporting and beautiful photos.

  3. Nice story and wonderful photos! Ludmila
