wtorek, 2 sierpnia 2022

Coral Creek - Cline River Loop

30 July 2022

Coral Creek - Cline River Loop is an easy hike (+214 m) about 43 km West from Nordegg. The loop can likely be done in about 2 hours. With a very leisury pace, taking lots of pictures, it took us about 4 hours. We made about 10 km. 

The starting point to this hike is the same Coral Creek - White Goat Staging Area, which is where the bravest among us met to try Fox Via Ferrata. 

One could easily argue that in Anna's ...

... and Julia's case, all this via ferrata equipment added to their feminine charms!

Roman, as always, was happy to challenge himself!

As was Gennady. 

They advanced by a few meters when the heavy clouds on the horizon made Boris, the Leader, to call off the whole exercise. You don't want to hold iron when lightnings hit around! 

In the meantime, the rest of the group, coined by Witek as Gruppo Facile ...

... hit the Coral Creek/Cline River Loop. 

It was cloudy at times, but it didn't stop us. The beauty of the scenery was complemented by the beauty of the ladies!

The canyon of the river was in fact quite impressive. 

Only the brave ones were willing to peak straight into the abyss. 

It was, in fact, a "big hole" in the earth, ...

... which made Barbara strangely meditative. 

Basia, as always complaining that she didn't have enough ...

... even hiked to the valley's floor. 

Gosia, I speculate, was already contemplating her birthday (this celebration took place the next day). 

We had to be careful in a few spots. 

Cline River Canyon remained picturesque to the very end of the trail, ...

... making Gosia and Ada happy and satisfied! 

On top of this, back in the hostel, both groups were rewarded with a rare treat ...

... the cake, baked that very morning, by Elzbieta., without a trace of Parmesan! And this is what I call a really enjoyable time in the mountains!


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