Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Mt. Burke

Mt. Burke, 2542 m, is a fine summit at the very south part of Kananaskis Park, with a very characteristic old Cameron Lookout on the top. It is perhaps because of its remoteness that the peak is not visited more often. It took us 1:15 hr from Kananaskis Wilderness Hostel to reach the trailhead, the last 16 km being on a gravel road. Access to Cataract Creek campground was closed, which added 2 km to our trip. Most of our GPSs showed around 14 km for forth and back trip, with around 890 m of altitude gain. 

These lucky people took advantage of a wonderful day and a truly enjoyable trail: back row: Piotr, Roman, Adam and Monika. Front row: Andrzej, Beata, Asia, Honorata, Maya and Ania. Missing (taking picture as usual): Andy.

Maya brought from Banff "nowy narybek" (new bodies) of Adam and Honorata. They have been in Canada for only a couple of months, using a special visa for students. These fantastic people work hard in hospitality business, and explore our beautiful mountains whenever they can. Mt. Burke is visible in the background, with the skyline above the forest showing, more or less, the approach route. 

The trail gradually "picked up," at this time of the year adored by fantastic autumn colors. 

The first challenge was this steep, straight up, possibly about 2 km long, line through the forest. It gave us hard time both up and down. 

Naturally, we started to sweat and had to rehydrate quite early. Andy, our professional photographer, reportedly took over 500 pictures over this weekend. 

It became a bit easier when we reached the switchbacks. What I liked about this part was that the forest was protecting us from the sun. Monika, Ania and Maya were often at the front. 

Shortly above the tree line the wonderful views opened up. 

We continued through this kind of terrain, the trail being well visible all the time. 

It became quite straightforward once we reached the ridge. You cannot go left or right, you only can go ... up!

The upper scree was "decent," which does not mean that it was not ... tiresome! 

At times, we were carrying each other. Andy was carrying Maya with his story telling, while Maya was carrying Andy with her laughter. This made Monika ... to whistle!

Monika was quite triumphant after reaching the summit ...

... but not as triumphant as Maya and Andy. 


While the youngsters were looking toward Calgary, visible in far distance ...

... others explored, carefully, the lookout ... from outside and inside. 
Asia and Beata preferred a more modern background.

Roman, as usual, was pondering on some "philosophical issues," such as what was that wire for.

Andrzej, luckily, abandoned his ambition to make a "Mt. Burke Loop," after reading in AllTrails about a bushwhacking struggle of those who attempted this idea. 

The delights were numerous and there was no need to complicate things. 

At two o'clock Anka ordered everyone to go down. With Monika they were returning to Edmonton the same day. 

Maya was reassured by Adam and Honorata that they had a terrific time. Having no car yet, they were very appreciative that Maya invited them for this hike and provided transportation. 

Shortly before reaching the forest, we still carved about 15 minutes for a little siesta, during which we consumed more views, and electrolytes, than the foods. 

Going down was hard on our legs. Unlike these young birds, with Roman we experienced spasms in our thighs. 

With Andy we were also short of water toward the end of the hike. Not a good idea on a hot, summer like, afternoon. 

Still we all finished the hike ... elated! Ania and Monika saved our "as...s" by the ample supply of water they had in their car. 

Off we went back to the hostel, where, not without the help of Finlandia, generously provided by Andrzej K, we befriended Alison. I almost taught her how to say "I love you" in Polish!

"Moja miła ja cię kocham" of Bobby Winton happened to be the hit of the evening. To put it shortly, it was "prywatka" (party) of the decade! 

Not surprisingly, we all felt a need for some "purification," which Troll Falls provided us with the next morning. 

What a trip it was, what a trip! 

However, if it is still not enough of coverage for you, you can check out this little film of Maya:

And a "professional job," 7-minute long film by Andy Rutkowski: 

Or if it was not enough of a thrill, check out the wife of Mr. Burke: @themaryburke

Polish Men and Women Outdoor Club of Edmonton - this is it!



  1. Wonderful hike with most wonderful people. 😊

  2. What a fantastic trip it must have been
    I am so jealous of the PRywatka party after the hike
