Friday, July 9, 2021

Helen Lake (Dolomite Ridge)

4 July 2021 

11,6 km, +540 m, 6 hours. Helen Lake, 2350 m; Dolomite Ridge, 2562 m. 

Helen Lake is a popular trail in Banff National Park. 

It was suggested by our Trip Leader, Boris, as something relatively leisury. We were all aching from the efforts of the previous day (see Onion Peak photostory), although I have heard of some late night guitar singing by some of our more resilient participants. 

For this trip we were joined by my Second Angel, Ewa, who couldn't attend the Onion Peak hike because they closed for her the highway from Golden. 

Ewa was definitely eager to "kick some ass." In spite of Jarek and Malgosia being late from Banff, we were still a big group.

From the left: Marta, Mike ("shamelessly" holding) Barbara, Roman, Beata, Łukasz, Ewa, Piotr, Boris, Asia, Ela and Bożena. Missing (taking picture): Andrzej. Missing Jarek and Małgosia. 

As the trail is pretty easy, we again quickly stratified into an Avantgarde and ...

 ... Ariergarde. Both groups were very much appreciative of the beauty of this trail and its surroundings. 

The only thing that troubled me, and there were some indications of this the previous day, that both of my Angels ("Aniołki Piotrusia") seemed to have abandoned my boots (Barbara insisted in the past that following my boots was giving her sense of security) in favor of ... Boris' shoes!

I guess I shouldn't be surprised - how can one compete with the shoes so young, vibrant and sexy?!

After we reached Helen Lake ...

... Ewa and Barbara followed Boris to the Dolomite Ridge ...

... eventually reaching the altitude of 2562 meters. 

They naturally celebrated. I have some ambivalence about this photo. I think I will need to have a "serious talk" with the Angels. 

Back at Helen Lake, Asia ...

... Beata ...

... Ela, Andrzej ...

... and some "Czerwone Kapturki" (Red Hoodies) ... 

... all enjoyed a well deserved off-boots rest. 

And who are these two old fellas chewing on their past mountain glories?

Shortly before return of Boris and the Angels from the Dolomite Ridge, we started our descent, leaving behind Cirque Peak, which I scrambled over 20 years ago. 

We encountered a few "solid" marmots. 

Shortly we had to negotiate this creek, which we crossed without much difficulty on our way up. 

This time Roman took a tumble, thus paying the karmic debt he incurred the previous day. (See Onion Peak photostory). 

Andrzej rushed to help Roman and recovered what was the most valuable ... Roman's wool Tirolian hat! 

The proper way of crossing the creek was demonstrated by Mike! And Boris! -

Back at the parking after over six hours of action ...

... we bid farewell to Andrzej, Beata, Ela and Marta who had to return to Edmonton. 

Luckily, they left Asia behind, which meant a very entertaining evening of singing songs and "tall tales." Bożena again poured out some "pikusie" but only for those who were not supposed to do via ferrata next day (see the story to come). "Pikusie" and high vertical walls do not go well together. 

As for Roman ...

... his ass was already dry by the time we returned to the cars. "Licho złego nie bierze!"

Thanks to Boris for leading us through this hike and to all participants for so much fun. Also thanks for permission to use some of your photos. 
