niedziela, 10 listopada 2019

Grassi Lakes in winter.

While Tomek, with the help of Bo and Jacek, was establishing contacts through Banff Mountain Film and Book Festival ...

... while getting acquainted with Canadian bears ...

... and other fauna ...

... I took Lady Wife, and our guest from Czechia, Ludmila ...

... for two short hikes.

First we summited Tunnel Mountain in Banff - being enveloped in zwangla all the time, it was not as rewarding as I hoped for. I only took a couple of pictures.

We then spotted Banff Rapids ...

... before visiting the Cave and Basin Museum ...

... the place that gave impulse to the creation of the first national park in Canada (Banff) in 1871. But the real pleasure was the short hike to the Grassi Lakes.

Though a frequent visitor to Banff, I have never seen this place before. The area is often closed because of bear activity.

Its charms are unparalleled.

Dusia and Ludmila were customarily requesting things the "hard way." What can you do ... women!

Luckily the lakes were not frozen yet and you could see the clarity of the water.

Thanks to the Mother Nature, and Mr. Grassi ...

... Ludmila will have some nice images to take with her, to nurture her soul back in Europe. 

As she seems to be "the Darling of the Universe," when she lost her cap ...

... it was immediately replaced by a generous gift from Tomek (to all of us). Adventure 24 Canadian Team?

What it all comes to is the simple wisdom of Davids Drummond Galletly, one of the first guides to the Cave and Basin Museum. I can wholeheartedly subscribe to his motto:

"The place to be happy is here. The time to be happy is now. The way to be happy is to make others so!" 

Tomek, Ludmila - we hope to see you again. 

Bo, Dusia, Ewa, Jacek - thanks for the lovely time (and permission to use your photos)!


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