Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Siffleur Falls

 31 July 2022

Siffleur Falls is a popular trail in Kootenay Ecological Reserve, about 50 km West from Nordegg. Most of the hikers do the trail until the First Falls, which is about 7 km (out and back) and can be done relatively quickly. Our group attempted to reach the Second Falls, about 15 km (out and back), and took a very leisury pace. 

So, while the Storm Group was attacking the Big Bend in Banff National Park (photostory), the Gruppo Facile ...

... (from the left) Mike, Elzbieta, Barbara and Witek (plus Roman and this writer) entertained an easier task of Siffleur Falls. 

We promptly crossed North Saskatchewan River and at least in Elzbieta's case ...

... with a style!

Though the morning air was very fresh ...

... our pace was leisury on account of our "loving birds" ...

... taking "countless" pictures of themselves. But who would resist photographing such a sexy couple!

Soon, Siffleur River Canyon deepened ...

... offering opportunity for some stunning photography. 

Mike and Witek enjoyed the views ...

... but not as much as Barbara ...

... who was running like gazelle ...

... from one vista point ...

... to another! 

It became quite hot, so Witek preferred carrying his backpack in hand! So not to sweat in his back, he explained. 

Eventually, we decided to rest before reaching the Second Falls. My GPS was already showing 7.2 km but the two nice girls informed us that there was another 1 km to the falls. It seems the slowness of our pace made my GPS to record more distance than we really covered. 

In the end, Roman and Barbara reached the Second Falls, but at the cost of expending their water resources. 

We had to rest more often on our way back ...

... before reaching the suspension bridge over the North Saskatchewan River.

Overall, a beautiful day. Pity, Roman, Ela, Witek and Barbara couldn't stay for Gosia's Birthday Celebration, which will be covered in a separate post

Great thanks to Barbara for sharing some of her photos with me. Until the next time, Dear Friends!


1 comment:

  1. What a nice trip it was! And the views were literally almost impossible to describe. The photos, even the best ones, do not do justice to the unbelievable views.
