środa, 11 września 2024

Avalanche Crest Trail, or mantra butterflies

 1 September 2024

For the second leg of our A.O. Wheeler Camp, following Ewa's recommendation, we chose a blue (moderate) Avalanche Crest Trail, starting right from the hut. AllTrails gives 8.7 km and +932 m as the ramifications for this trail. According to our GPSs, the trail's length is closer to 10 km.

The biggest part of the trail goes through an old BC forest, with many tall trees ... 

... and many interesting, one could say, "enchanted" natural structures. 

The trail, for the most part, is quite "civilized," so our pace was good. 

At around 4 km we reached this "water eye," with a fine view toward Sir Donald. However, thereafter, the trail changed its character. It became steeper, wetter, narrower, and overall, more unpleasant. That is why, with Bożenna, we decided to return to the water eye, and let the Attack Team of Mike, Barbara and Anna, to do the honors of finishing the trail. 

After a refreshing dip in the water eye, I found this "meditation rock," took off my boots and started working on my mala (rosary). 

Shortly thereafter, an interesting thing happened. Two butterflies sat on my hand, and stayed on it in spite of the movements of my hand, for a full round of Om Namaha Shivaya mantra. If you don't believe me, check out this video:

This was not the end of the "natural miracles" that took place that day. After returning to the hut ...

... we watched a grizzly mama bear with two cubs just walking next to the hut:

The girls were exhilarated ...

... and Anna was saying she hadn't seen anything like this in her entire life!

Unfortunately, it was almost the time to finish this weekend of miracles. The next morning ...

... we bid farewell to the hospitable A.O. Wheeler Hut ...

... and after taking a few farewell pictures ... 

... not to mention some farewell dances, we embarked on our ways home. One could say that the biggest "miracle" of this A.O. Wheeler Camp was the miracle of ... FRIENDSHIP!


1 komentarz:

  1. Oh,so beautiful! and the butterfly are incredible and interesting and like meditate with you ❤️👍
    Hello from Maya
