Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Hazy Nihahi Ridge

 19 September 2020

Nihahi Ridge, South Summit, 2380 m, 10 km + 2 km, height gain +770 m. Mostly hike, some scrambling. 

Yanek (Trip Leader), Basia, Michal, Mikele, Ewa and Barbara. The summit of Nihahi Ridge is above Mikele's head.

After having to cancel this trip on account of poor weather for two consecutive years, we were finally back at the bottom of Nihahi Ridge in Little Elbow Provincial Park. California fires (and one near Canmore, I've heard) created somewhat hazy conditions, but ... what the heck!

Gaetanne, Brynn, and Sean

Though we were welcomed by a small shower, it didn't discourage us. 

The group was bursting with "good energy."

Jola, and Michal (the second one attending his first hike with the Club) appeared particularly happy. 

It was also nice to see some young faces - Rafal and Marysia! 

The beginning of the trail is about 1 km from the Trailhead Parking, and this sign is not visible from the campground road. This caused some confusion, split the group, and meant some waste of time. 

The first part of the hike is very pleasant. The trail is wide and elevating gently, just enough to warm everybody up. 

It finally made Basia to take off her long johns, which, seemingly, becomes our standard point of entertainment. (See the Tent Ridge Horseshoe photostory)

We reached the so called "viewpoint" in about 1.5 hours and were rewarded with (somewhat hazy) view of the Little Elbow Valley and the Forgetmenot Ridge, which we hiked 3 years ago (see the story). 

We ate some snacks. Barbara stopped eating her bagel after she spotted falcon in the sky. Or was she reflecting on the complexities of life post ... long johns!?

But our goal for the day was the South Summit. Shortly after emerging from the forest, we were hit by vicious wind ...

"... co warkocze dziewczynom rozplata!"

Trying to hide from the wind, we took this traverse on the east side of the ridge, ...

... which became quite steep toward the end. Even going down was quite uncomfortable for some lady - luckily Yanek assured her she was doing OK. He has got this fine gift of putting everybody at ease!

The traverse brought us shortly to the crux, ...

... which some writers describe as a "stretch of technical scrambling." This is just a few meters, with solid rock, and good holds for hands. In other words, it was not that difficult. 

This presented Barbara with some challenge however. Although she healed her vertigo on the Tent Ridge Horseshoe (see the story), she was reporting some "dry vertigo" (as per analogy to "dry alcoholic" - not drinking, but being always at risk of relapsing). Luckily, following her method of looking at my boots, she negotiated the crux without any problem. 

The same cannot be said about Ewa. You are supposed to scramble on your feet, not on your knees, especially knees of such quality!

Jola did the crux with a somewhat misleading smile - she was later lobbying other girls to give me "kocówa" in the evening. "Kocówa" is a fine invention of Polish scouting - they cover belligerent member with a blanket ("koc") and then everybody punches the delinquent. Luckily it didn't come to this!

Sean seemed to had expanded on the crux - psychologically and physically - ...

... while Michal was clearly enjoying himself!

Marysia did the crux with the sense of youthful invincibility ...

... while Yanek had somewhat overdone the terrors of the place!

Relaxed after overcoming the most difficult place, the ladies were ready to fly. 

We were already very close to the summit. 

We took, unnecessary, this traverse, which is possibly used by these brave souls who do the whole Nihahi Ridge (25 km). 

The proper route was found by Mikele and Basia who got straight up to the summit crest. 

This also required a few meters of "technical scrambling," ...

... which didn't discourage Barbara, her vertigo now fully overcome. 

Is it only me, or is hiking with women more fun?!!

We covered the last 50 m to the summit with Michal. It was not quite pleasant - though the slabs were easy to walk on, the strong wind was constantly pushing us toward the vertical abyss on the east side!

Being fearless, and much younger, Michal seems to represent the future of the Club!

Going down was also a lot of fun - Peter's Angels? (Aniołki Piotrusia?)

Walking sticks were definitely useful on the steep parts of the trail. 

We tried to keep the group together. 

Bringing the group into the safe zone put the Trip Leader into an excellent mood!

Also in excellent humors, Barbara and Basia stroke some yoga poses. How do they do this? I wouldn't think things like this are still possible!

Barbara also didn't miss this opportunity to photograph herself with a phallic object!

In about 7 hours we were back at our cars. It is always such a nice thing to jump out of the hiking shoes into something more comfortable. 

One hour later, already in a much smaller group, we were discussing the highlights of the day, while enjoying the locally brewed beers and nutritious foods. I like this 4th Spot Restaurant, which was recommended by Basia - they give you an extra sharp knife in case some craving hands try to grab your burger!

Until the next time!


P.S. Thanks for Michal, Mikele and Yanek for permission to use some of their pictures. 

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