Monday, August 19, 2019

Mist Mountain? No, Mist Ridge!

Our Team Leader, Yanek, set a nice objective for the last weekend - a massive Mist Mountain, 3140 m, achievable from the South through a moderate to difficult scramble. What he couldn't control, however, was the weather. We got close to a foot of fresh snow over Friday night. Realizing we had minimal chances reaching the top in a safe manner (our compatriots, Roman and Gennagij, gave up on the Tower for the same reason), we decided for a lower (2515 m), but longer (23 km) alternative - Mist Ridge (seen in the distance). 

Even mountain goats seemed to be displeased with the amount of the fresh snow and cold on Saturday morning. 

Nevertheless, we decided to give the day a chance.

Fresh snow and the mud quickly made our boots wet.

Yet, we pressed ahead.

Luckily, we were gradually getting more sun.

Once we reached the ridge, beautiful views opened up (Mount Gibraltar visible between Yanek and Mike).

Shortly before the South Summit, we got the first glimpses of Mist Mountain across the valley.

Deciding that going only to the South Summit of Mist Ridge would make for a too short day ...

... we opted to traverse it using a horse trail.

It meant more snow to which ...

... Yanek chose to adapt creatively!

Eventually, a straight path to reconnect with the ridge presented itself.

With the South Summit already behind us ...

... we decided to rest a bit and have something to eat. Our boots dried up slightly.

Walking the ridge thereafter was a pure pleasure, with beautiful views in every direction.

It was sunny, but windy.

Finally, around 1:15 pm, we reached the North Summit (2515 m).

This "mandatory" selfie shows much of the way we have already covered to this point.

Mist Mountain didn't seem so much higher any more, though definitely was higher.

We then descended toward the Rickert's Pass, seen below, with Storm Mountain and Mount Rae seen in the distance.

Long hike started to take toll on us. 

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Closer to the valley, we met the group of 8 cow-girls. One even offered to take me on her horse, but the technicalities of such a solution appeared ... un-surmountable!

Both Mikele and Yanek were lucky to find horse shoes shortly thereafter. They will test their luck by either buying a lottery ticket or going for a date!

Finally, after much strive and 12 hours of action, almost broken, we reached our starting point. According to my GPS we hiked for over 26 km, with roughly 890 m of altitude gain.

We returned to the hostel (Ribbon Creek Wilderness) around 8 pm. The hostel's manager, charming Anita, ...

... was almost ready to send a rescue party for us.

Traditionally, with Mikele, we went to Banff Hot Springs the next day, to help ourselves to recover. Surprisingly, my body felt good. No pain!

Mount Rundle, we are coming in 2 weeks!


Thanks to Yanek and Mike for permission to use their photographs. Clicking on the them, allows to see them in a bigger size.


  1. Brawo, kolejna wyprawa! Piękne widoki, ale ten śnieg jest szokujący. My z Witkiem tydzień temu zdobyliśmy Lesowiec w Beskidzie Małym. 2,5 godziny wejście, 1 godzina zejście. Bardzo stromo. Zalałam się potem kompletnie ( wchodząc) chyba 4 razy. Ale następnego dnia czułam się bardzo dobrze i byłam z siebie dumna. Zdjęcia prześlę niebawem. Całusy, siostra

    1. Zalałaś się potem kompletnie? Rozumiem Twoją dumę, ale zalewać się trzeba z umiarem. :-)

  2. 👍😎🤗 Very nice, congrats,
