Tuesday, February 16, 2016

My City, my River Valley. #YegRiVal

Referred to as a "Ribbon of Green", Edmonton's river valley comprises over 20 major parks and attractions and forms what is known as the largest expanses of urban parkland in North America. Jola and I will try to walk the whole Edmonton River Valley and adjoined ravines before the end of the year 2016.
Sun setting down in Edmonton.

On February 6 we participated in the Flying Canoë Volant in Mill Creek Ravine. Metis / Francophone tradition. (http://americanfolklore.net/folklore/2010/07/the_flying_canoe.html )

Just walking around the displays added 4km on our GPS

I was to meet some friends there, and they were still waiting…

...so we enjoyed the moment together.

Ravine had totally different feel that night 

With the light displays and other installations it was just pleasurable to walk and or dance.

We emerged from the valley to finish our walk by Cite Francophone; hot chocolate and maple syrup were served there. Ice sculptures and slide were built for children’s amusement. 

Coincidentally, our plan to explore #YegRiVal started much earlier in the Mill Creek Ravine. On one September morning, we started the first leg of our journey. 

The ravine was once the home of the flour mill from which it got its name. Gainer’s meat packing plant was located just on the west bank. Right in the ravine there was a railroad run by Yukon & Pacific Railway. Today the mill, meat packing plant and the old track are all gone, and only plaques reminds us of the past.

Just a brisk walk and before you know it, you are approaching the opening for the North Saskatchewan River.

You are welcomed by The Dove of Peace Project completed in 1988. The original Dove structure was designed and constructed in 1984 in hounor of Pope John Paul II's visit to our province. A time capsule is buried under the plaque to be opened in 2088.

It is just a short stroll back to the Faculty of Saint Jean grounds, where the Annual Madden's Memorial 4on4 Soccer Tournament is hosted.

One of the teams feeling happy after the match

The length of our River Valley is about 48 km, which, with over 20 adjoining ravines, parks, and neighbourhood walks, makes a total journey of well over 200 km. And we are done our first 8 km!


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