Saturday, September 24, 2022

Pocaterra Trail - Late Summer 2022

 Sep 17 was a beautiful day in Kananaskis

Group ready at the trailhead:
Rafal, Marysia, Andrzej, Beata, Jola, Ania, Roman, Bożena i Yanek

We got lost very fast and started a very deep  discussion on the superiority of different hiking apps
(AllTrails vs Gaia - and it will never end)

Soon we reached a meadow

With beautiful views

And stopped for a quick snack at the lake

After the lake it was a long struggle to the 
Pocaterra Ridge First Summit

We did it with smiles on our faces

We still enjoyed the views

Our objective for the day is on the left

Soon we all reached the goal of the day

We enjoyed a short break
with fantastic views and the lunch

Hiking past the First Summit was not allowed
as the trail was only partially open

Our Summit photo is incomplete as some already started their way back

Going down, we felt it on our knees

But descend was much faster

It was also pleasant

And the views

Back at the lake, we could enjoy
one of the last summer days of 2022

Meadow showed us the best colours and herbal scent

almost back at the trailhead
We all made it to the summit, we all made it to the car

last group photo of the hike 

Electronic record of our venture

Next time we will complete the full hike as the ridge would be very good to hike

Thank you all who allowed to use their photos
Yours truly, 