Sunday, October 16, 2022

Summerly Foran Grade Loop

 15 October 2022

From the left: Bożenna, Barbara, Ela, Roman and Robert. Missing this writer. 

Foran Grade Loop is an easy trail in Sheep part of Kananaskis Country (you need a pass). It is roughly 7 km long, with only 280 m of altitude gain. We all anticipated some coldness and wind, so we perhaps overdressed for the trip. Though it was only around 14C, the day felt like ... summer! The trip was a sheer delight!

We arrived at the trailhead at 11:15. Being in excellent mood, Bożenna put her hair into a "kok."

Barbara quickly demonstrated her "giving nature."

Roman, and his team, arrived a few minutes later, ready for action!

We hit the trail around 11:30. 

We were enthusiastic about the wonderful colors we were exposed to. 

Robert's greyish hair nicely harmonized with the bark of the trees. 

At the same time, Barbara's yellow scarf nicely matched the color of the autumn leaves. 

The radiant beauty of Ela effectively neutralized all the background. 

Beautiful views opened up ...

... barely matching the beauty of the humans. 

The interactions were joyous and full of love. 

Barbara felt like dancing ...

... so she pulled out her "Tutu skirt."

This led to some "serious dancing," which, luckily for the participants, I cannot show, on account of some codec problems. 

Suffice to say that it all ended in a "great finale."

Also the returning part of the trail, along Sheep River, happened to be quite picturesque. 

We stopped a couple of times. not wanting the trip to end. Bożenna, especially, enjoyed direct contact with the warm Mother Earth. 

I preferred the warmth of Barbara's "kibić."

There were some "technical difficulties" on our way back ...

... and a bit of "exposure" ...

... but we reached the parking lot, in about 3.5 hours, without much difficulty. Here, we reinforced our "togetherness" by joining our boots together, the custom so nicely introduced in our club by Yanek Wojcik.

Positively packed with "new energy," Bożenna demanded more action. 

So, leaving behind Laokon Gruppe (reportedly they enjoyed cutlet sandwiches with pickles) ...

... we went straight to the distillery in Turner Valley.

This led to some instances of "moral failing." Barbara was especially disappointed that the distillery didn't have any ... beer!

It became apparent to me that having no beer could have for Barbara some serious karmic consequences. So we went to Bragg Creek, and the famous Bavarian Inn, the place we were not lucky to get in during one of the previous trips ...

... and we engaged in some serious "mountain dining" and "mountain drinking."

The food was excellent. Bożenna enjoyed potato dumplings with spinach and veal ...

... while I had tasty Hungarian goulash soup and Wapiti burger. 

The most important thing, Barbara got her beer, served in a proper glass, which reminded me of mine and Mike's trip to the Dolomites. (see the story)

Pity that, being a designated driver, I couldn't enjoy the beer myself. This, unfortunately, created a new "karmic desire" for me. I have to return to Bavarian Inn one day and have a glass of Erdinger! 

Maybe during the trip next weekend? 


1 comment:

  1. Great story! It is a pity I could not join you. And the beer after hike looks just amazing.
