Sunday, August 22, 2021

Birthday on Mt. Loki

 18 August 2021

Mt. Loki, 2771 m, is a "cultish" mountain in the Central Kootenay Valley in British Columbia. I had a pleasure of scrambling this mountain in 2020 (see the photostory). This time I had a privilege of guiding to this mountain the two fantastic ladies - Barbara and Teresa - on Barbara's birthday!

We started at 6:30 at Balfour Bay with some fireworks. Due to a late bathroom break, Teresa was jumping into a moving car in order not to miss the ferry. This was an indication of the things to come! 

In spite of some hesitations, Barbara drove the whole 9 km of the logging Portman's Road without a problem. 

We hit the trail at 8:30 am., with two parties ahead of us. 

We warmed up quickly so soon it was time to undress, which is always an exciting prospect when you hike with two attractive ladies!

We reached the Portman's Notch in 1:45 hr to have our first look at the magnificent cone of Mt. Loki. 

Shortly thereafter I freed the ladies from about 8 kg of an unnecessary weight. We left one of their backpacks with most of the food and water as a depot. 

We rehydrated properly ...

... before reaching the first slabs. 

I have to admit that scrambling with Teresa is not without additional value!

The ladies tolerated well a bit of exposure ... 

... and were helping each other in some challenging spots. 

Around the False Peak we encountered a bit of snow, which, as we know, is irresistible for Barbara. She promptly made one of her (somewhat phallic) snowmen!

The ladies felt intimidated by the steepness of the Main Peak, but decided to continue the hike after getting to know that our friend, Iwona, made it to the top ... three times!

Soon, after 5.5 hours of action, we celebrated reaching the top (this picture was taken by a young Australian) ... 

... by properly ...

... hugging each other ... 

... three ways!

Then, there was time to celebrate Barbara's Birthday, which was recorded on the film. You can see this film (4:08 min) by clicking ... here! Don't miss the joyousness of this occasion!

We left our names in the register before going down. 

Soon we reached Teresa's favorite part - the slabs. Again, I have to admit that photographing her on the descent was almost as inspiring as photographing her on the ascent. 

Teresa claimed later that some of the strides ("szpagat") she had to make were only possible because of  the yoga stretching arranged through the trip by our friend, Bosnia. 

Barbara preferred the classic "bum method." 

These dried trees seemed to issue the most wonderful, relaxing fragrance. 

Luckily, the Spirit of Loki, who this time manifested as a marmot, was on our side ... 

... so soon we were celebrating under the Loki's Arc of Triumph!

After we devoured all our food ...

... in the setting sun, we bid farewell to this magnificent mountain!

Already in the forest, not far from the car, Barbara's sole, in one of her boots, finally gave up. She kept it attached with her shoelace. This, and other delays ... 

... not to mention the long drive over very bumpy, almost orgasm giving, Portman's Road, caused us to miss a ferry. In Kootenay Bay we waited for another ferry until 10:20 pm, arriving in Kaslo only around 11:30 pm. All our friends, with the exception of the ever faithful Bosnia, who served us hot tea and bigos, were already asleep. Naturally, some of Barbara's Birthday Celebrations had to be postponed until the next day. 

And what a celebration it was! Barbara put on a very sexy blouse ...

... while Teresa went for my favorite ... red high heels! These are the ladies I can hike with!

Pity these dynamic goddesses will soon find "a solution to their lives" ("ułożą sobie życie"), which may complicate their hiking options.  

For the rest of us, the mortals, the reward came in the form of this delicious birthday cake ...

... which could be considered a "love manifested" from our hosts: Dorota and Staszek, not to mention the skillful hands of Bosnia and Elzbieta. 

And whose birthday is next?

In Truth, Simplicity and Love, Piotr. 


  1. Hiking and scrambling Mt. Loki gives you a passport to the supernatural Purcell Mountains and you are also entitled now for proudly using a name:
    Welcome to the West Kootenay mountain friends’ family!
    A day after yours Mt Loki ascent I had a great privilege to lead two of our guests, Bożena and Barbara to Kokanee Glacier Park – Kokanee Lake. What a wonderful experience!!!
    Thanks to all of you! And see you here again next year...

  2. Hiking and scrambling Mt. Loki gives you a passport to the supernatural Purcell Mountains and you are also entitled now for proudly using a name:
    Welcome to the mountain friends’ family!
    A day after yours Mt Loki ascent I had a great privilege to lead two of our guests, Bożena and Barbara to Kokanee Glacier Park – Kokanee Lake. What a wonderful experience!!!
    Thanks to all of you!

  3. Congratulations and all the best for Barbara!

  4. Wspaniała wyprawa i jakie specjalne urodziny, na szczycie!
    Komentarze jak zwykle w dziesiątkę, no i widoki cudne.

  5. Wow!
    What a great achievement for all Participants in this seminal trip!
    Congratulations to you all.
    And a great celebration for Barbara.
    I am curious to know what means this cryptic sentence "niedlugo uloza sobie zycie"???
