Wednesday, February 5, 2025

2024 Photo-Competition - Awards Gala


The Awards Gala for 2024 Photo-Competition took place on 2 February in the auditorium of Faculty St. Jean in Edmonton, thanks to the kind invitation by Witek Kurpiński. In spite of the very cold weather (-25C), the Gala attracted about 40 people interested in mountain film and photography. 

Category A - "People and the Mountains" - Andrzej Kubicki Award - was won by Andy Rutkowski's picture "The crowds on Horseshoe Ridge."

Category B - "Mountain Landscapes" - Bożenna Pomorski Award - was taken by Bo Maciaszczyk's picture of the Patagonian "Los Cuernos."

Bo's husband, Jacek, claimed the prize in Category C - "Mountain Humor" - Mike Trzecieski Award - with his picture "I haven't had a man for a while," featuring Dragan Radovic and Maya Wojnarowska. 

Andy Rutkowski also claimed Category E - "Mountain Archives" - Yanek Wójcik Award - for his work "Wilcox Peak 25 years ago."

Category F - "Mountain selfie" - Elżbieta Tomczyk Award - was claimed by Bożenna Pomorski for her "Selfie on Dunajec River."

In the first "Oscar Category" - "Pretty Woman in the Mountains" - Bogdan Kulik Award - we had a tie. The prizes were claimed by Holly Kostecki and Gosia Stróżyk. In the absence of the sponsor, the prizes were given by the MC. 

Breaking finally to the top spot, Gosia was positively glowing. The same, I heard, could have been said about Holly, though it was not documented. 

No problems in the second "Oscar Category" - "Sexy Man in the Mountains." Dragan Radovic - "Saint Dragan" - received the prize from the sponsor of the award - Bo Maciaszczyk. 

Category I - "The Monuments of Nature" - Barbara Walter Award was promptly claimed by Basia Krzymień for her magnificent photo "The two thousand year old twins."

Category K - "The Best Comment" - Ania Kupnicka Award - was given this year for the Best Title - "Mighty is geometry. Jointed with nature, resistless. (Eurypides)." In the absence of the author, Joanna Dumicz, the prize was received by Andrzej Kubicki. 

The first film category - "Video with a twist" - Beata and Andrzej Jędrych Award - was claimed by Piotr Rajski for his clip - "The Raven of the Delicate Arch."

Category N - "Full Movie Feature" - Boris Bokov Award - was again claimed by Andy Rutkowski for his movie - "Breathtaking Kananaskis." (25 minutes)

Andy's own Award for "The Best Reel" was taken by Piotr Rajski and his reel "Om Namaha Shivaya butterflies.

Finally ...

... was taken by Jacek Maciaszczyk for his photo "Humuel Glacier? - by bus only."

Justifying my choice I wrote: 

"Some of you may criticize me, because there is a big bus in the front, but I love this picture. The dramatic spires of the Fitz Roy Group in both sun and heavy clouds add to the dramatic expression of this photo. People jump out of the bus to take pictures. In a sense the bus makes this photo unique. And let's be honest: without our cars, buses, trains and planes, most of the mountains would be outside our reach. Bus or not bus, this picture screams: adventure!" (Piotr)

Then we had a little potluck ...

... during which Jennifer Lopez sang for us ...

... and the bonus presentation entitled "The Best of Oscar Categories 2013-2024." The two pictures that seemed to create the most of the ovation were:


So, keep going to the mountains, taking photos, films or reels, and we will gladly host you next year: 

From the left: Witek Kurpiński (Manager of the scene and lights), Yanek Wójcik (Manager of the slides and sounds), and yours truly, Piotr Rajski (MC).


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