Sunday, November 6, 2022

Berlin Hohenweg 2017


Mike Alexander on the way to Friesenberghaus. 

Berlin Hohenweg (Berlin High Trail) is a popular, multiday hike in Zillertal Alps in Austria. We did it with my friend, Mike, in 2017. Why a delay in the report? Perhaps because it was not quite as pleasant experience as Alta Via 1 in 2015. The problem was predominantly related to the weather. As Dolomites are typically quite warm in summer, on this route we had a few of rainy and cold days. Still, our story could be of interest for someone planning this route. 

We did all our reservations through Zillertal Naturpark. We found this to be both convenient and economical (e.g., got some vouchers for free bus and taxi rides). Check them out for their current pricing. 

The whole experience could be divided into the following stages:

To see more details about each day, please, click on the links above. I also attach the sketch of the route so it is easier for you to follow the story. 

You can find more information about this hike at:

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