Saturday, September 11, 2021

The scandals of Goldeye Lake. (Nordegg).

 6 September 2021

Hike, 3.2 km, +125 m, 1 hour. 

Being quite busy for two days on Coliseum Mountain (photostory), Siffleur Falls and Vision Quest Ridge (photostory), we opted for a light hike to Goldeye Lake "to stretch our legs." 

Some people, like Asia ...

... and Malgosia didn't seem to need any help with stretching their legs ...

... but for most of the "mortals" morning yoga led by Bosnia was "life saving." This is such a nice routine that I wish all our hikes could start with it!

It was only a 12 km drive from the hostel so we reached Goldeye Lake in a few minutes. 

Naturally, we couldn't proceed without taking a group photo first.

The trail around the lake is mostly flat, so it was more a walk than a hike. 

To enhance the challenge, with Luka, we took this interpretative trail, adding another 2 km. 

However, because of this decision, we missed the most interesting, if not to say - scandalous - part of the day. 

Led by "Pani Kierowniczka" ... 

... a few "tough" women and men immersed in the cold waters of the lake. 

This clearly triggered some "romantic" dynamics ... 

... including, never seen in our club before, perverse behaviors such as "hand kissing!" 

Not surprisingly, it "spoiled" our ladies so when we returned to Nordegg for coffee, pies, etc. ...

... they rushed to photograph themselves with some "lotniarz" to the great dissatisfaction of the men from our group. They were promptly reprimanded by Prezes and some almost lost their ranks as Prezes' Angels! (Please, notice a fine view of Coliseum Mountain from this place). 

In spite of this small (hopefull never to be repeated) incident ... 

... the group synergy ...

... remained ...

... very good!

Jarek appeared happy that he changed his mind and came for this weekend's adventures. 

In fact, all looked happy! (Wojtek ate cold ice-cream so he could be exempted. Or was he still kissing Teresa's hand?)

After a final joke by Mikele ... 

... it was time for good-bye hugs. For helping to create all this happiness ...

... the organizers: Prezes ...

... and especially Vice-Prezes, received a lot of love! And this is what I call a true reward!


P.S. Happiness can be continued on 18 September on Solomon Mountain. Please, contact Yanek for more details.  

1 comment:

  1. All was well, except that Basia did not receive any hugs from Mike. At least, according to the blog.
    What a scandalous behaviour!!!
