Saturday, 2 October 2021
Prairie Mountain, 2210 m, 6.8 km return, +680 m altitude gain, 4.5 hours. Elbow, Kananaskis. (To see pictures in higher resolution, click on them).
Prairie Mountain is a popular trail near Bragg Creek, in the south-east corner of Kananaskis Country. It is relatively short and thus quite suitable for a short October day.
In spite of some logistic challenges (people coming from Calgary or directly from Edmonton), we managed to gather an impressive group of 21 hikers, including a few goddesses. This was our third trip this year involving 20 or more participants.
Though we were set to start at 10:00, it was still quite cold at that late hour. Dawn jacket and mittens were very much appreciated.
However, soon we warmed up. Especially, our newcomers - Bogusia, Renata, Tomek and Diana - showed excellent form and spirit!
Around that point we were joined by the Roman Goddess - Diana. A protector of the forest and mountain animals, they say, Diana does her job by seducing young and handsome hunters (so they have no time to kill). Aware of the ferocious sexual temperament of Polish men, it is believed, ...
... Goddess Diana doesn't mind to trap an older, "young" sixty-year old Polish hiker, from time to time.
And Diana was not the only one showing great grace and "fantasy."
Goddess Ela "lekko wsparłwszy się na sośnie, w oczy Prezesa patrzyła miłośnie!"
For Goddess Barbara, the hike was a pure joy!
The other Barbara Goddess was typically at the front of the group, making sure all followed the trail.
After we passed through the steep forest, the terrain flattened and opened up. However, Goddess Barbara was accompanied by a strange atmospheric gloom ("czarne chmury") - a sign of the trouble to come?
My Dear Angels, Beata, Gosia and Basia, didn't disappoint. They welcomed Prezes with dance and movement!
At the top of the mountain, we were happy to establish that the recent Truth and Reconciliation Day (30 Sep) was really celebrated nationwide! (If you understand Polish, you may consider listening to my short podcast on the subject, emitted through Nasze Radio Canada, 88.5 FM -
Unfortunately, at the top there was not another way to avoid ferocious, nasty winds but to hide among a few small trees over there. This led to some unfortunate mingling of the Goddesses and regular Mortals.
Krzysiek and Barbara were happy to recall those times, when full of youthful passion, they ended up in the bushes from time to time.
Also Goddess Barbara was remembering those times with a solid load of nostalgia.
Marek was attempting to get Goddess Diana's attention with food ...
... while Tomek couldn't help himself but photographing ...
... Goddess Bogusia!
Stone-faced cerbers, Piotr and Roman, were securing the goddesses' safety against the abyss.
At the same time, because of the cold winds (or perhaps in the face of all this beauty around) ... Jarek shrank a bit!
In spite of the tremendous precipice, "wstrętne kurzoki," (revolting smokers) Jarek and Andy, lighted up their cigarettes.
They claimed they wanted to have a better view of Moose Mountain, which we hiked in 2020.
Finally, it was time for the summit group photo, so skillfully arranged by our Master Photographer, Andy. Standing from the left: Krzysiek, Piotr, Diana, Renata, Andrzej, Barbara, Beata, Ela, Gosia, Barbara, Piotr, Barbara, Mike and Holly. Sitting from the left: Marek, Roman, Jarek, Tomek and Bogusia. Missing Andy (taking the picture) and Bozena (where were you?).
Going down was almost uneventful ...
... with the exception that, toward the end of the hike, I encountered another Goddess - Gosia - ...
... whom I led to the safety of our cars ...
... but not sooner than after testing her courage on some exposed rocks.
Shortly thereafter, next to her camper, Goddess Barbara made "stoliczku nakryj się" (set the table)...
... so the festivities began in quite a style!
Krzysiek showed his preference for the blonds ...
... and who can blame him!
Young gods, Piotr and Marek, chose cognac ...
... while Andrzej relied on Stella Artois.
This would never work for the 1st Angel, Barbara, who leans heavily toward Scotch!
Goddess Barbara, as far as I can say, drank whatever was available.
Goddess Bozena seemed to be happy and satisfied with her accomplishment.
Piotr was looking as if he could do Prairie Mountain one more time that day. After two cognacs he was however also happy, though he has exhausted his limit of two hikes a year!
Goddess Beata looked pure and radiant as if she has just taken a rejuvenating bath!
Goddess Bogusia showed cool headedness and a good understanding of the customs of the Club - you don't join the Club empty-handed!
At the same time, Goddess Diana showed a great promise as a next "Aniołek Prezesa!" (President's Angel)
Seeing so much joy and happiness, Tomek started to wonder why he is having to return to the Fatherland.
Later, Goddess Ela arrived with one reinforced knee ...
... and her escort, Roman. Roman happened to just have had his birthday a couple of days earlier so the festivities were reignited with a double strength.
Roman delivered another cake and cut it with the long knife he always carry. Finally, it came useful!
Krzysiek shared his self-caught and self-dried fish!
It was nice to see the previous and the new members of the Club to mingle!

Finally, "Grupa Miotła" (The Broom Group) descended from the mountain. They were supposed to "sweep" everybody, but in the end they were sweeping just themselves.
Andy was so thirsty that he grabbed Goddess Holly's beer, which, naturally was 1. a very risky thing to do, and 2. could have triggered the anger of the gods. Thus, an hour later, ...
... when in a much smaller group we arrived at the 4th Spot Restaurant in Calgary, three members of the group were not allowed inside. Unfortunately, they didn't have "proper documentation!"
More so, after a couple of drinks, some Goddesses were complaining that, in spite of repeated promises, they have not been "pulled on the Member of the Club" yet. ("nie zostały jeszcze wciągnięte na Członka Klubu"). As the only member of the Board present, I had then to explain all the reasons behind this unfortunate backlog! These were: bureaucratic barriers, insufficient paper work, shortage of "członek wprowadzający," (recommending member), not to mention not quite favorable attitude of the husbands! And I had to promise ... another trip to the mountains (so the backlog could be addressed)! It seems, Dear Gentlemen of the Club, that I will need all the help I can get! With these Goddesses, it is not kidding!
Piotrze, pięknie to wszystko opisałeś, a rymujący się komentarz do goddess Ela jest bezcenny!!