sobota, 8 lutego 2020

Photo-Competition 2019 - Awards Gala

The Awards Gala for the 2019 Photo-Competition took place, as usual, in Polish Syrena Club in Edmonton. Prizes were given in 10 photo categories plus for the best comment. Finally, President's Award was handed over for the Best Photo of 2019.

In Category A - Piotr Rajski Award - "People and the mountains" - the first place was taken by Jacek Maciaszczyk's photo, entitled "The crux."

Some of the comments about this photo:

So many things happen in this photo! We have two very impressive, courageous women tackling the most difficult moment of the trail, and willing to help each other! We have men’s chivalry, or even just curiosity of a by-stander in the background. What I like about this photo is that the main characters are well visible. This photo also catches a moment of drama, real tension caused by objective dangers of the crux! In other words, excellent photography! (Piotr) Dynamika zdjęcia. (Ewa) There is so much action in it – struggle with the crux, willingness to help one another, so important in the mountains, men being hypnotized by ... the actions of women, and more. (Piotr) Najlepsze zdjęcie ilustrujące moment wspinaczki, wraz z dobrym duchem współpracy, pomocy i braterstwa. Dokładnie to czego oczekuje się od ludzi wyruszających razem na szlaki górskie. (Jacek M.) Funny, humorous title. Not much of the mountains, but people look great. (Mikele) A5 zdecydowanie, prawdziwa górska akcja-dech w piersi zapierająca.  Między nami to przez ile jeszcze lat będziemy w stanie takie przejścia pokonywać? (Ewa)

Deservedly, Jacek was quite pleased to get this award:

In Category B - "Mountain landscapes" - Roman Lipiecki Award - the first prize was collected by Basia Krzymien ...

... for her stunning picture "Mountains and icebergs."

A few comments about this photo were:

This is a truly unique photo, unlike of most of other submissions! We have ice in our mountains but not ... icebergs! Beautiful light in this picture, and serene, relaxed atmosphere. (Piotr) This photo is so nice that it looks almost surreal. It looks like a post card. Not every day we can see such a nice combination of water, floating icebergs, people, mountains. I like especially so many shades of blue, each one being different and each one being unique. (Mikele) „Z tej perspektywy nawet Islandia wygląda pięknie.” (”From this viewpoint even Iceland looks fabulous”). (Witek)

In Category C - "Mountain Humor" - Michal Trzecieski Award - the first place went to "Not everybody can fly" ...

... another picture by Jacek Maciaszczyk ...

... who managed to squeeze a couple of Polish beers ...

... before receiving his prize from Mike. 

Mikele surprised everybody by awarding another prize in this category for, in his words, "the best looser" - a photo entitled "Proper signage:"

He justified his decision by quoting a few (of his own) comments:

Yes, I totally agree with this message. With such a signage we will get never lost! (Mikele) Maybe I am the dissenting voice here, but I disagree with the Vox Populi and I request a recount in the Category C, Mountain Humor. What happened to the photo showing our beautiful sign? The importance of good signage cannot be underestimated, especially in the mountains, Ha! With such a sign we could easily hike to the end of the world and always feel like at home and never get lost. (Mike)

The award went to ... I.

What can I say? With Mikele we are the Men of the Old ... we like breasts!

In the newly created Category D - "Mountains enhanced" - Michal Kantoch Award - the winner was (the founder's own) picture, entitled - "Variation on the subject of Three Sisters - warm."

To avoid embarrassment of giving award to himself, Michal gave his prize to the runner-up, Gennady Sergiejev, for his picture: "Mount Outpost at night." (Tonquin Valley) 

However, Michal was not deprived of a prize after all. His photo "Two generations" ...

... won the first prize in Category E - "Mountain archives" - Yanek Wojcik Award:

A few comments about this photo were:

I believe this photo deserves the first place because it illustrates a very important dynamic – we are often first taken to the mountains by our parents. Also, behavior of the parent, especially of the same sex, in the mountains often serves as very powerful modeling – of courage, determination to reach the goal, humor, relaxation, appreciation of the beauty, etc. Thank you, Fathers! (Piotr) It makes me to think about my father and how I miss him! (Piotr) I want to say that it is always nice to see the father and the son, or any other combination of 2 or more generations enjoying mountains together, as it is instilling a certain set of values and appreciations of the mountains in the younger generations and, hopefully, in the next generations to come. (Mike)

Next came Category F - "Mountain Selfie" - Ela Tomczyk Award (previously Dorota Kratochwil-Otto Award). The first place was taken by my selfie, entitled "Beboki" (monsters):

Great thanks to Ela for stepping in and saving this category after Dorota emigrated, if only temporarily, to Mexico:

Then came the time for "Oscar categories" - "Pretty woman" and "Sexy man" (in the mountains). In Category G - "Pretty woman" - Marek Kucmierz Award - the first place was taken by my photo - "Pretty and serene." 

As the model in this photo - Ludmila Lambeinova - returned in the meantime to her native Czechia, Marek tabled giving of the award to some future times. 

In Category H - "Sexy man" - Bo Maciaszczyk Award - the first place went to Gennady Sergiejev ...

... for possibly the most commented on photo, entitled: "A rare species of male mermaid in the mountain creek:" 

Some of these comments were:

Undoubtedly, the most courageous photo in this category. If Armani was smart, they would buy this photo for big bugs to promote something – a new scent, attire, or whatever! Also a beautiful scenery. And shall I point out to the great stamina on the part of the model?! Similarly, to C11, this photo sends a shiver through my spine. A great shot! (Piotr) Only strong and sexy man can try this, as male mermaid is a very intriguing concept. This one looks to me more like "rusalka" (no translation will be provided). I do admire the body curves and calmness. However, don't be deceived by the sunglasses - this is a creek most likely originating from the glacier. I'm anticipating some serious shrinkage. If and only if this mermaid would try what mermaid on the picture C11 did. There would be no shrinkage, it would be cryoamputation. Mermaid? Hats off for your courage you sexy man in the mountains. (Yanek) Po powtórnym rozważeniu trzech kandydujących zdjęć, zdecydowanie na pozycje Nr. 1 wybieram zdjęcie H17 – Rzadki okaz męskiej syrenki w górskim potoku. Swój wybór motywuje następującymi czynnikami: a. kreatywność i poczucie humoru, b. odwaga i gracja modela, który wydaje się być całkiem zrelaksowany w tym na pewno bardzo zimnym potoku górskim, c. miła oku sylwetka modela, przywołująca na myśl postać greckiego boga, zdecydowanie podkreśla sexy aspekt w tej kategorii zdjęciowej. Z uwagi na pierwszy plan, aspekt tła górskiego w tej kategorii zdjęciowej przybiera .... sorry, wymiar drugoplanowy... (Bożena) (I justify my choice by the following factors: a. creativity and sense of humor, b. courage and gracefulness of the model, who looks very relaxed in this surely cold mountain creek, c. pleasing the eye figure of the model, reminding of the likenesses of Greek gods, amplifying the sexy aspect of this category. Because of so magnificent foreground, the background becomes … sorry, of secondary importance! (Bo) H17 is a superbomba (ad)

In the newly created Category J - "Postcard from Vacation - Amaze me!" - Jacek Maciaszczyk Award - the first place went to the founder's own picture, entitled: "Welcome to Waves (AZ)."

Jacek, shamelessly, took his own prize, but promised to crack it open with the President.

In the last - Category M - "Mountain Flora and Fauna" - Bozena and Jacek Wojno Award - the first place was deservedly taken by young Adam Wojcik for his picture "Fox hunting:"

In the absence of the photographer and the founder of the award, it was handed over by Roman Lipiecki and accepted by Yanek Wojcik:

Then, prize was given in Category K - "Best comment" - Ania Kupnicka Award. The prize went to Asia Dumicz for her little poem/comment to one of the pictures. 

The poem, read here by Mike Trzecieski, goes as follows:

Hej góry, takie skaliste,
wierchy ostre a mgliste,
kiedy wichry chmury nagnają.

Dzisiaj niebo jest czyste,
widać jak są stromiste,
piękne góry, ach góry skaliste.

Hey mountains, rugged and rocky,
peaks pointed but foggy
when strong winds bring clouds.

The sky is clear today.
Ah, so steep and grey,
Beautiful mountains, rocky mountains.

All are invited to Asia's evening of sang poetry on 13 Feb in Polish Hall, lower level, starting at 7:00 pm. 

Finally, almost lacking any voice, I had the privilege of handing the Grand Prix, the President's Award for the Best Picture of 2019. On behalf of the winner, exhausted Jacek Maciaszczyk, the award was received by his lovely wife, Bozena:

The winning photo was A5 ... "The crux."

This is how I justified my choice:

I would like to throw my Presidential, so to speak, weight behind A5. There are many beautiful pictures in Round III, but A5 seems to best reflect what our Club is about. It is about going to the mountains, it is about challenging ourselves, trying hard. It is about supporting each other and it is about having fun together. It is about finding courage and it is about sense of adventure. I see all of this in A5! Excellent photo!

So this would be all for 2019 Photo-Competition. The plan for 2020 hikes and scrambles is almost ready and I will post it shortly. Join us in the mountains ... and keep taking photos!


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