wtorek, 23 listopada 2021

Opening of the cross-country season


Thanks to the abundant energy of the Vice-President, Mikele, the members of the Club smoothly, within a week, transferred from biking into x-country. Last Sunday saw already 14+ persons attending. 

The energy was so good that Gosia was willing to throw a couple of hearts into the snow - "rzucasz serce na śnieg" as they sang in a popular Russian roman. 

The Master-Yogi, Bosnia, helped us to warm up and stretch after the skis. 

It worked especially well for Slawek! (Slawek also contributed pizza to the event). 

Dusia was finally entirely on her own equipment. 

Enthusiastic, as always, Barbara ...

... not to mention Marian and Andy ...

... welcomed the arrival of the recent "solenizantka," Ela ...

... and her most excellent husband, Roman, who, with the device held in his hands ...

... started a production of the snowy hearts. 

A few schnapps, known better as "grzaniec," (the best one belonged to Andrzej) ...

... led to animated discussions ...

... heated discussions ...

... and even some bodily contacts!

We warmed up at the fire so skillfully started by Jarek and Barbara. Great thanks to Mikele, and all who contributed to this ...

... Festival of Love!

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