Thursday, July 30, 2020

River Project - Second Leg - Laurier Park to Capilano Landing

28 July 2020

For the Second Leg of my River Project I was joined by the Most Excellent Peter Yuca. This leg was shorter - only 16 km, which took us, with very relaxed paddling, 3 hours.

Monday, July 27, 2020

River Project - First Leg - Devon to Whitemud Crossing

For the First Leg of the proposed River Project (kayaking on North Saskatchewan River from Devon to Fort Saskatchewan) only one person showed up - Fearless Elżbieta Tomczyk! The day was gorgeous and the river was at her best.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Astotin Lake

Z inicjatywy jednego z Członków Założycieli naszego Klubu, Witka Kurpińskiego (na pierwszym planie), znanego w "niektórych kręgach" jako Pielgrzym, odbyła się w poniedziałek wycieczka kajakowa do Astotin Lake w Elk Island National Park. To mierzące prawie 7 km2 jezioro jest położone ok. 50 km na wschód od Edmonton, i łatwo dostępne poprzez Highway 16.

W wycieczce wzięła udział Śmietanka Towarzyska Klubu, w postaciach państwa Lipieckich i Mioduchowskich, a także kilku Kajakarzy Indywidualnych.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Nordegg July 2020

Baldy Fire Lookout, Coliseum Mountain (1 and 2) & Crescent Falls

When the mountains are calling, never say no

Forced to stop by a Tonka truck at the Genesee Power Plant

Evening hike to Baldy Fire Lookout (2090 m) 
At the back there is our objective for the next day - Coliseum Mountain

Friday, July 10, 2020

Banff Legacy Trail

Having spent lots of energy the previous day on Mt. Nestor, where we scrambled over 1000 meters of vertical gain, I was looking for something easy to do the next day. With Mike we took advantage of having bicycles with us, and after a bit of negotiation, decided to take Banff Legacy Trail from Banff to Canmore.