Monday, July 6, 2020

2020 - First day in the mountains

 After loading all our gear, including two bikes, onto Mike's car ...

... and receiving the blessing from Ela, who bid us farewell on behalf of all the wives of the Club's members, we hit the highway toward Banff.

We took gasoline in Costco Calgary and then decided to snack on something. Because of COVID-19 restrictions, we ended up consuming our treats among the card boxes. This prompted Mike into one of his regular tirades about "the world going down to dogs" ("że świat schodzi na psy") and the "signs of the end of times" ("oznaki końca czasów").

Mike was in a much better mood, when we arrived do HI Banff Alpine Hostel, which we stayed in for the first time. The hostel was very pleasant, with not too many visitors, and they even gave us a last moment discount of 15%.

Having a free afternoon we went for a walk. Roman's mind was on Mount Rundle, visible behind him, which he planned to attack next day. Mike's mind must have been on Mt. Nestor, our object for the next day.

I was so happy to be in the mountains that I even didn't mind to be photographed with the bats!

We enjoyed the views of Bow River ...

... including hoodoos. After two hours of stretching our legs ...

... it was a time for supper. With only two people allowed in the kitchen, Roman and Mike took the charge.

Roman prepared excellent, straight from his garden, salad ...

... while Mike, refusing to cook without some wine, prepared the main dish - chicken risotto with brown rice! With other of our companions - Andrzej, Gennady, Marek and Boris - checking in later this evening, we were ready for the first adventures of the 2020 Mountain Season!

(to be continued)

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