sobota, 31 grudnia 2022

The Best of Photo-Competitions (6)

Not only women look good in the mountains. Men too! This realization led to the creation of a new category in 2016

Bo Maciaszczyk Award - "(Sexy) Man in the mountains"

"Sexiness" is naturally a humorous concept, adding to the playfulness of the competition. The first winning photo was: 

2016 - Roman Lipiecki - "Seksowne kolanka Prezesa" (Sexy knees of the Prezes)

The photo was taken on Ha Ling Mountain, overhanging Canmore, Alberta, Canada. Encouraged by this win I was about to challenge George Clooney for the title of the "Sexiest Man Alive." Some other comments were:

Komentarze: Nie jestem pewien, czy jestem akurat największym ekspertem od oceniania męskich kolan, ale podoba mi się tytuł tego zdjęcia. (Michał) Łubu dubu, łubu dubu, niech żyje nam prezes naszego klubu! (Yanek) Tło całkiem odpowiednie, a i model niczego sobie! (Piotr)

2017 - Judy Haig - "Sexy man always looks toward the mountains"

Geoff Hansen is the model in this photo, which was taken during the trek around Mt. Blanc (France, Italy). This comment (in Polish) summarized what people like about this photo:

Widoczny na zdjeciu turysta pieszy podpierajacy sie kijem (pewnie aby nie zsunac sie w przepasc od nadmiaru wrazen), jest zauroczony nie tylko pieknem otaczajacego go krajobrazu ale takze, jasna rzecz sprawa, ogromem panoramicznego, prezacego i pietrzacego sie przed nim lancucha gorskiego. Dramaturgi dodaje, a jakze, wiszacy nad przepascia (i domkami ulokowanymi na dole) ozor lodowca a ulokowana u stop pana turysty  gleboka przepasc (niewidoczna na moim zblizeniu ale jest na zdjeciu w oryginale) tylko podkresla i uwypukla Ogrom, Piekno i Majestat Gor. Autor tego pieknego ujecia uzyskal efekt wiekszy zapewne niz myslal…Wyrazy uznania !.(Marek)

2018 - Zenka Kawecka - "The vintage dude, the man, the myth, the legend" 

The model in the picture is Wiesiek Piprek, somewhere on West Coast Trail in British Columbia, Canada. Some of the comments were:

There’s nothing sexier then a VINTAGE DUDE, THE MAN, THE  MYTH, THE LEGEND. (Zenka) Ten gość na motorze to mój wybór, bo imponuja mi twardzi faceci. (Michał K.)

2019 - Gennady Sergeyev - "A rare species of male mermaid in the mountain creek"

The photo shows Gennady refreshing himself after conquering Mt. Willingdon in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada. Not surprisingly, this "truly sexy" photo triggered an avalanche of comments: 

Undoubtedly, the most courageous photo in this category. If Armani was smart, they would buy this photo for big bugs to promote something – a new scent, attire, or whatever! Also a beautiful scenery. And shall I point out to the great stamina on the part of the model?! Similarly, to C11, this photo sends a shiver through my spine. A great shot! (Piotr) Only strong and sexy man can try this, as male mermaid is a very intriguing concept. This one looks to me more like "rusalka" (no translation will be provided). I do admire the body curves and calmness. However, don't be deceived by the sunglasses - this is a creek most likely originating from the glacier. I'm anticipating some serious shrinkage. If and only if this mermaid would try what mermaid on the picture C11 did. There would be no shrinkage, it would be cryoamputation. Mermaid? Hats off for your courage you sexy man in the mountains. (Yanek) Po powtórnym rozważeniu trzech kandydujących zdjęć, zdecydowanie na pozycje Nr. 1 wybieram zdjęcie H17 – Rzadki okaz męskiej syrenki w górskim potoku. Swój wybór motywuje następującymi czynnikami: a. kreatywność i poczucie humoru, b. odwaga i gracja modela, który wydaje się być całkiem zrelaksowany w tym na pewno bardzo zimnym potoku górskim, c. miła oku sylwetka modela, przywołująca na myśl postać greckiego boga, zdecydowanie podkreśla sexy aspekt w tej kategorii zdjęciowej. Z uwagi na pierwszy plan, aspekt tła górskiego w tej kategorii zdjęciowej przybiera .... sorry, wymiar drugoplanowy... (Bożena) (I justify my choice by the following factors: a. creativity and sense of humor, b. courage and gracefulness of the model, who looks very relaxed in this surely cold mountain creek, c. pleasing the eye figure of the model, reminding of the likenesses of Greek gods, amplifying the sexy aspect of this category. Because of so magnificent foreground, the background becomes … sorry, of secondary importance! (Bo) H17 is a superbomba (ad)

2020 - Gennady Sergeyev - "Cold, and yet still sexy!"

To confirm his dominance in "sexiness" Gennady won this category again, this time fully dressed! The photo was taken on top of Mist Mountain in Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada. Comment:

It is a very good picture – tough man, sharp like his crampons, impressive mountain background, etc. I give it the third place for purely strategic reasons – the same model won this category in 2019! Should he win again it could adversely impact on his psyche – expand his ego to a dangerous level, lure him into machismo, etc. He could even dare to participate in the Sexiest Man Alive competition, which would, quite unnecessarily, take him away from the mountains. (Piotr)

2021 - Łukasz Różycki - "Fearlessness can be so sexy!"

Roman Lipiecki is the model in this photo, taken on Fox Via Ferrata near Nordegg, Alberta, Canada. Some of the comments were:

Prawdziwy mężczyzna niczego się nie boi, nawet wysokości! (Basia W.) Very dynamic picture! The model is fearless and thus ... attractive! (Piotr) Ten Romuś to naprawdę niczego się nie boi, nawet wiszenia na wysokości! (Basia W) The model is well visible, he does something very “manly,” and yet experiencing joy of doing it. The photo is nicely composed, between the hard rock, distant lake, and a lot of exposure (we called it “luft” in climbers’ jargon) in between. (Piotr)

So, which "sexy" man will claim this category in 2022? 

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