poniedziałek, 26 grudnia 2022

The best of Photo-Competitions

In preparation for the 2022 Photo-Contest, to inspire our members to pick up the best photos possible, I will remind you of the photos that won the previous editions of the contest. We'll start with:

Category A - Barbara and Witold Krzymień Award - "People and the Mountains." 

The purpose of this category is to explore our "relations" with the mountains. Of special interest are those human virtues that seem to be shaped by the mountains. We are talking traits such us courage, curiosity, sense of adventure, resilience, persistence, desire to reach the top, happiness, fun, willingness to help each other, and so on. These photos may also illustrate our human smallness in the mountains, hardships of being in the mountains, etc. In photos in this category human beings typically occupy the central spots, are well visible, etc. Less interesting may be the photos of groups of people "posing" in front of the mountains, but this may all depend on what is actually happening in the picture. 

So here are the winners of this category in the previous editions of the contest: 

2013 - Roman Lipiecki - "These fantastic men in Oesa Lake"

In 2013, there were only 9 photos in the competition and there were no categories yet. Undoubtedly, this photo would win the Category A as it won the whole contest. People voting for this photo typically pointed out to the humorous "machismo" of the picture, joy and fun of the models, their sex-appeal, or etc. Whenever I look at this picture, I smile!

2014 - Grażyna and Andrzej Pietrzyk - "Aconcagua Mon Amour"

In 2014, there were 25 photos in the competition and there were still no categories. This photo was the overall runner-up, and likely would win Category A. What voters liked about this photo, besides the white beauty of Aconcagua, was the love emanating from the models, who obviously were happy to be in the mountains and were happy with each other. At least, they tried to warm up each other in the cold wind of the Andes.  

2015 - Jacek and Bo Maciaszczyk - "Relax on the way to Snowbird Pass"

In 2015, there were 44 photos in the competition and this one won the Category "People and the Mountains." Similarly to 2014, the voters seemed to like the togetherness of the models against the impressive massif of Mount Robson (Canadian Rockies). 

2016 - Jacek Maciaszczyk - "Na szlaku" ("On the trail")

This picture was taken on the way to Everest Base Camp (Himalayas). One longer comment, in Polish, explains why this photo happened to be so popular: 

"Piękna jest ta głębia Himalajów, przy których ludzka sylwetka wydaje się tak znikoma. Podoba mi się w tym zdjęciu też to, że widać ścieżkę, którą modelka musiała iść, by dojść do miejsca, gdzie jest. Metaforycznie, można by powiedzieć, zdjęcie to pokazuje, że w górach, żeby dojść dokądkolwiek, każdy człowiek jest sam w pokonywaniu własnej słabości.  Postać modelki jest tu także alegoryczna – wydaje się ilustrować znikomość człowieka w kontekście brutalnej surowości gór. Jednakowóż, ten znikomy człowiek, dzięki swojemu uporowi, odwadze i gotowości do wysiłku (co widać w trasie pokonanej przez modelkę), nie tylko przeżywa, porusza się i doznaje estetycznych wrażeń, ale także ... pokonuje góry! Ktoś mógłby nawet argumentować, że góry po to zostały stworzone, żeby wydobyć te zalety ludzkiego ducha – ciekawość, odwagę, determinację, itd., – które ewentualnie pozwalają człowiekowi “panować nad naturą.” (Nie bez znaczenia jest też sama przyjemność oddychania górskim powietrzem!)"

2017 - Piotr Rajski - "Invictus" ("Niezwyciężony")

This picture was taken on Berlin Hohenweg in Zillertal Alps (Austria). This comments seems to grasp the essence of this photo:

"(...) A1, in my humble opinion, shows superiority to all these other pictures. Besides a very lucky, but excellent composition, this picture shows, metaphorically, what our adventure with the mountains is about. We go to the mountains to breathe with fresh air, to admire beautiful views, but also to ... conquer! This picture seems to illustrate the wonderful qualities of the human spirit – desire for adventure, courage to overcome dangers, persistence in overcoming one’s physical weaknesses and tiredness, etc. I even like the gloomy background in this photo – clouds likely to bring rain and cold – these also have to be conquered! Truly, it seems that nothing can stop the human being in this picture, that he is, in fact, ... INVINCIBLE!"

2018 - Yanek Wójcik - "Spiderman, Spiderman! - or dancing on the slabs"

This picture shows Roman Lipiecki "negotiating" some slabs on The Tower in Kananaskis (Canada). Some of the comments for this photo were:

Kiedy patrzę na Romana, który w górach zapomina o wszystkim, tylko prze przed siebie, to zastanawiam się skąd u niego tyle energii. Pamiętaj jednak Romanie i czasami popatrz przed siebie. Dla siebie jako nagrodę pocieszenia tłukę w moja głowę, ze to wygląda tak jakbyśmy byli na tej samej wysokości. (Yanek) 

A combination of a slope in the front and a mountain in the far sets up a scene of a great elements of the nature.  In a double contrast a small figure of a human being 'sandwiched'  in between but  beating the nature by  fearlessly moving forward. (Gena) 

I like the counter-position of the steep slabs in the foreground and impressive peak in the background. The human character seems to epitomize not only bravery, but also, by its size, human insignificance against the grandeur of the mountains! A fantastic, in my humble opinion, photo! (Piotr)

2019 - Jacek Maciaszczyk - "The crux" ("Kluczowe miejsce")

This picture shows some brave female members of the club going through the most challenging spot on Heart Mountain, near Canmore, Canada. A few comments about this photo were:

"So many things happen in this photo! We have two very impressive, courageous women tackling the most difficult moment of the trail, and willing to help each other! We have men’s chivalry, or even just curiosity of a by-stander in the background. What I like about this photo is that the main characters are well visible. This photo also catches a moment of drama, real tension caused by objective dangers of the crux! In other words, excellent photography!" (Piotr) 

"There is so much action in it – struggle with the crux, willingness to help one another, so important in the mountains, men being hypnotized by ... the actions of women, and more." (Piotr) 

"Najlepsze zdjęcie ilustrujące moment wspinaczki, wraz z dobrym duchem współpracy, pomocy i braterstwa. Dokładnie to czego oczekuje się od ludzi wyruszających razem na szlaki górskie." (Jacek M.) 

"Prawdziwa górska akcja - dech w piersi zapierająca.  Między nami to przez ile jeszcze lat będziemy w stanie takie przejścia pokonywać?" (Ewa)

2020 - Boris Bokov - "Quo vadis, homine? (or) Man, where are you going?"

In the meantime the Photo-Contest grew exponentially. The Category A had 39 submissions alone so to win it was not easy. This is what people liked about this photo:

"Besides the beautiful interplay of elements, such as clouds, sun, snow, bushes, the photo seems to be a great metaphor for our human condition: we push toward some objectives, neither knowing the path well nor being able to calculate all the possible risks and consequences! This all requires COURAGE! It is also this journey that strengthens and builds us up!  It really makes us who we are – incredible human beings able to accomplish almost anything we set our minds on! Fantastic photo!" (Piotr) 

"When I think about what our club is about, one picture seems to stand above the others. It is ... A39. Quo vadis, homine? This picture is about daring, going boldly where no one went before (as illustrated by the pristine snow)! And I like the overall atmosphere of the photo – the sun trying to get through the clouds adds certain mystery to the photo. The landscape seems to be saying – this place is only for the brave ones! Are you sure you want to enter? Are you strong enough? This photo seems to me to be the essential metaphor about what it means to ... go to the mountains!" (Piotr)

"A39 odzwierciedla główna ideę Klubu, czyli wyprawy w góry, które są zarazem obecne, ale i ukryte za mgłą, co w symboliczny sposób podkreśla charakter naszych wycieczek." (Ewa)

2021 - Boris Bokov - "Human scale" ("Skala człowieka")

This picture was taken during the descent from Onion Peak, in Banff National Park (Canada). Boris Bokov again claimed this category, this time competing against 54 other photos. Some comments in support of this photo were: 

"I like the central human character against the grandeur of the mountains in the background. The human being appears small in comparison, yet there is certain dynamism in him, which suggests that he is capable of conquering this tremendous peak in front of him. In all, a beautiful allegory of our relationship with the mountains." (Piotr) 

"Pokazuje wielkość i majestat górski. Góra zawsze ma ostatnie zdanie! To zdjęcie pobudza do refleksji nad życiem, natura, pięknem świata i naszym miejscem na ziemi." (Basia W.) 

"It shows the sad state of the world, and perhaps hope. The comment is: only the laws and the human brain are limited, but the free human soul and its manifestation of freedom, unity and love are unlimited." (Boris)

So, get ready, 2022 Photo-Contest starts in a few days!


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