piątek, 30 grudnia 2022

The Best of the Photo-Competitions (5)

When I was 13 and got my first photo camera, I made a series of photos in the mountains. All showed different landscapes of Tatra Mountains and only one photo had a human character in it. To my great surprise this was the only photo that was actually drawing any attention from my family and friends. It helped me to realize that what is most interesting in the mountains ... is people! This realization was behind of establishing new categories of our photo contest in 2016 - "(Pretty) Woman in the Mountains" and, to not to be accused of sexism, "(Sexy) Man in the Mountains." In this post I will bring back the photos that one 

Marek Kucmierz Award - "(Pretty) Woman in the Mountains"

2016 - Piotr Rajski - "W Dolinie Dziesięciu Szczytowań"

The model in this photo is Zenka Kawecka in the Valley of 10 Peaks (Banff National Park, Canada), thus the title of the photo, the humor of which is not easy to translate. One should stress that Zenka was the first woman who started going to the mountains with our group, which eventually led to the change of the club's name: from "Polish Men" to "Polish Men and Women Mountaineering Club of Edmonton." 

Komentarze: Tło jest także bardzo piękne (wszystkie szczyty ponad 3000 m). Oszołamiająca modelka jest tu widoczna “w pełnej krasie!” W jej uśmiechu i mowie ciała widać nie tylko radość z bycia w górach, ale i radość ... z bycia kobietą! Czy może być lepsza kombinacja? (Piotr) Trzecie miejsce za zalotność! (Dorota) Możecie mnie pocałować...dalej nie idę! (MK) Jest kobieta, są góry, a do tego déjà vu, przecież myśmy tam byli. (Yanek)

2017 - Judy Haig - "Joyous Milcha"

The model in the photo is "Milcha." The picture was taken during the trek around Mt. Blanc (France, Italy). The name of the mountain in the background is uncertain. It appears that the "joyousness" of the model is what made this photo most popular, although "sexy gators" were also complimented. 

2018 - Yanek Wojcik - "It was worth it!"

The photo shows Brynn Murphy against the majestic background of Lake O'Hara (Yoho National Park, Canada). I could only repeat my comment to this photo, made during the competition:

"This picture, in my opinion, has it all – beautiful, smiling, happy woman in the foreground, her hair lovingly caressed by the mountain winds; excellent light and the fantastic background of Lake O’Hara. A masterpiece!" (Piotr)

2019 - Piotr Rajski - "Pretty and Serene"

Ludmila Lambeinova from Czechia, who was more active in our club in 2018, came for a short visit in 2019. This picture was taken next to Grassi Lakes near Canmore. Some of the comments were:

Ciekawe połączenie letnich kolorów z białym śniegiem. (Ewa) Mnie też bardzo podoba się to zdjęcie, nie tylko dlatego, że to jest moje zdjęcie, ale ten kontrast kolorów jest po prostu genialny! (Ludmiła) I like the not-typical position of the model, the complementing colors of her attire, nicely contrasting with the white environment, serenity and the joy of being in the mountains in the model’s eyes. (Piotr) This photo is really showing not only the physical beauty, but also the spiritual beauty and the toughness of our dear lady-members who are harder than nails and who could easily beat most of the guys with their superior qualities while appearing to do it with a charming smile. (Mike) To nie dlatego, że to moje zdjęcie. Uważam, że ze wszystkich trzech zdjęć jest najbardziej pomysłowe. Poza tym, kontrast kolorów jest oryginalny i zaskakujący. (Lida) Interesting composition, deep, mysterious look in the eyes! Serene background – in other words, lovely! (Piotr) I will be a little subjective, but I am voting for G11: Pretty and serene. I appreciate the contrast of the colors on the snowy background. As I am the model, I must admit that I hadn't been aware of being photographed, so I must admire the skills of Piotr, as the picture looks very naturally. The whole picture is very peaceful, even contemplative. (Lida)

2020 - Mike Alexander - "Some women seem to have all the fun"

The model in the photo is Dusia Rajska on Hootoos Trail near Banff (Alberta, Canada). Some of the comments were:

As I know this model somewhat more intimately, I have to admit that this photo caught what I like in the model the best – joy, aliveness, good energy, fun, laughter! In fact, don’t we like these traits in all women? (Piotr) For the record – I didn’t take or submit this photo to the contest. It gives me then even more pleasure to see that the qualities of this model found appreciation among our members. This photo has caught what I like in the model the most – joyful aliveness! Isn’t this the quality that makes women so ... irresistible?! (Piotr) Pierwsze miejsce i nagroda za zdjęcie  G26. (Some women seem to have...fun) Uzasadnienie: Modelka jest w trakcie fenomenalnego uśmiechu, oparta o rustykalny płot, za którym rozpościera się piękna panorama górska, z małą doliną i potokiem. Całość zachęca do wędrówki i odwiedzenia gór. (…) Jest to, przypadkiem, Dusi najładniejsze zdjęcie z gór! (Marek)

2021 - Andy Rutkowski - "Joyous, flying hair!"

Basia Walter is the model in this photo taken on Mt. Baldy in Kananaskis (Alberta, Canada). Some of the comments were:

A lovely picture illustrating how the joy of being in the mountains adds to the beauty of people who go there! I give this photo the second place. (Piotr) I assign the first place to G5 – the composition of the photo is interesting, and definitely the joyous hair of the model is impressive and hard to resist. (Piotr) My choice #1 is G5, of course! How could anybody have any doubts, Ha! This photo shows what is the BEST in our Club. The BEST Members, who are our ladies, of course. The BEST in us, which is the happiness and joy of life. And the BEST feeling of accomplishment upon conquering the peak. (Mike)

So many fantastic women in our club. Whose picture will claim this award in 2022?


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