czwartek, 29 grudnia 2022

The Best of Photo-Competitions (4)

The Category F - "Mountain Selfie" - Elżbieta and Bogdan Tomczyk Award 

was also added only in 2015. The first winner was:

2015 - Dorota Kratochwil-Otto - "Aliens in Sunshine Village"

Stunningly interesting photo with so many things caught in the foreground and background. Also very nice composition - the contrast between colorful scarf, goggles, etc. and the whiteness of the snow and mountains far away. 

One could mention that this category was initially founded by Dorota who had the pleasure of winning it right away. 

2016 - Mike Trzecieski - "Bo gdzie człowiek szczęście znajdzie, jak nie na studenckim rajdzie."  

The title is somewhat difficult to translate. It more or less says that if you want to find happiness, there is nothing like going to the mountains. In case of Mike, so it seems, he found more than one "happiness" in the mountains! :-)

Komentarze: Uśmiechy modeli w tym zdjęciu są, w moim odczuciu, “powalające.” Zawsze mi się wydawało, że kobiety są najbardziej szczęśliwe, kiedy mogą położyć głowę na piersi mężczyzny. Ten selfik sugeruje, że duże szczęście można też osiągnąć na ... męskich plecach! (Piotr) Myślę ze większość naszych członków chodziła na rajdy studenckie w rożne Beskidy, Bieszczady , czy Gorce. Ja bardzo milo wspominam sobie tamte studenckie lata. Jak dobrze widać, od tego czasu nic się nie zmieniło. (Michał) Co za harmonia i zadowolenie! (Dorota). Dokąd mam się tak śmiać?... i po co ci kupiłam ten kij? ...góry dzisiaj poszły w diabły (MK) Jak dobrze jest być młodym! (Yanek)

2017 - Yanek Wójcik - "All of you, all of me"

Some of the comments were: 

 Very original concept of showing a face and a mountain wall together. (Piotr) Pod takim wodospadem przy malym powiewie to jest natychmiastowy prysznic, no a do tego i ta gebusia. Nic tylo prać. (Yanek) Chlodny prysznic poprawia samopoczucie, no i tez jak widac na zdjeciu poprawia cerę. Alez to gebusia. (Yanek) Ciekawe ujecie od dolu, malo konwencjonalne, poprzez co zdaje sie byc bardziej unikalnym. (Michał)

2018 - Piotr Rajski - "Unselfish friendship of men"

Some of the comments:

There seems to be a lot of joy in this photo – joy of being in the mountains and joy of being there ... together! (Piotr). „Przyjaźń i góry zawsze idą w parze, a za nimi uśmiech i radość” (Bozena) It finally paid for me to carry this long "selfie-stick." (Piotr)

2019 - Piotr Rajski - "Beboki" (monsters)

The photo was taken next to Watts Hut in Tonquin Valley, Jasper National Park, Canada. The mosquitos there were really awful that year. Thus, the need to wear mosquito nets. Some of the comments were:

Beboki, co to znaczy? (Ewa) In most selfies, people try to look their best and appear happy. This is quite an original selfie, in which the models took advantage of their mosquito nets to create a rather awful, yet still humorous, look. Great selfie synergy! (Piotr)

2020 - Yanek Wójcik - "BFF Selfie"

A few comments:

"Focus on me." Amazing that the squirrel is on this gentleman's shoulder - and also, quite cool to take a photo at that moment (in many instances, there is no time for something like that)(Boris) Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel had to photobomb my selfie. Little beggar wouldn’t leave me alone. I guess I will share the moment. (Yanek) I agree with one of the previous comments that to catch a chipmunk on your shoulder, in a selfie (!), requires great reflex and cool-headedness! Not surprisingly, the model appears to be transformed by this experience – elated and elevated! Great photo! (Piotr) Company of animals is fantastic. I'm so glad to have Ground Squirrel on my shoulder. At least it is not a Bear or something. (Yanek)

2021 - Ania Kulig - "Guess who?"

Some of the comments were:

Zgaduj zgadula- I któż to się kryje za ta burzą włosów? (Basia W.) A very nice selfie, which only a woman could take. The hair all across her face adds the element of mystery, if not mystique, which is often so fascinating in women. I give this selfie the first spot! (Piotr) Piękne Ani włosy, powiewające jak zywe, zgrane z natura, jak w burzy. (Bo P) Zagadka jeszcze nie rozwiązana- zgadujemy dalej kto tam się chowa za ta piękną burza włosów. (Basia W) I give the first place to F17 – the “storm of the hair” (“burza włosów”) has made this selfie both original and intriguing. (Piotr)

And how were your selfies in 2022?


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