niedziela, 1 stycznia 2023

The Best of Photo-Competitions (7)

It was only in 2018 that we realized a need for a separate category, in which people could share their best photos of the mountain flora and fauna. We all like to photograph, what Barbara Walter calls - "the monuments of nature." Many of these photos are quite stunning. Here are the winner of:

Bożena and Jacek Wojno Award - "Mountain Flora and Fauna"

2018 - Marek Kucmierz - "It's all mine!" 

Some of the comments were: 

I think the title captures well what is happening in this photo. Marmots are most often photographed close to their holes, or against the background of rocks. To catch a marmot, nicely placed in the center of the photo, with all these magnificent mountains in the background, is a rare treat! (Piotr) Lovely picture, but more in the spirit of “Macro-“ than “Micro-world.” (Piotr) „Moje góry; światynia dumania .... i spokoju”(Bozena) For the second place I will vote for M8 (This is all mine), since I am always partial to the photos displaying animals. We all have to appreciate that photos showing animals are not always easy to shoot. (Michał) Fajne ujęcie świstaka wydawało, by się podziwiającego piękno krainy, w której mieszka. Jak tu nie wierzyć ze zwierzaki tez maja swoje nastroje i są wrażliwe na piękno...(Jacek)

2019 - Adam Wójcik - "Fox hunting" 

Phenomenal picture, in my opinion, likely taken at night, which calls for really good photography craft. I like that the figure of the fox is close – you can see the beauty of this animal in great detail. I also like that it is so clearly seen against the background of white, sparkling snow. (Piotr) Dobra ostrość, ciekawy kadr. (Jacek M.) Very nice photo of a beautiful animal in a very nice pose and under good light, taken obviously when it was being dark. Congratulations to the photographer, who captured such an amazing photo. (Mike)

2020 - Yanek Wójcik - "It is all about love!"

All pictures in this category are beautiful, but what I appreciate about this one is the idea and tenderness of the picture. And the title is great! (Lida) Some people argue that animals do not experience “emotions,” because they “lack the soul.” I think this picture proves them wrong. There is definitely “attraction” between the two chipmunks in this photo. They seem to be driven exactly by the same force that draws men and women to each other. This force, sometimes called LOVE, seems to drive people, animals, and the rest of the universe to multiply, to expand! I am happy that I am a part of this universal process! (Piotr)

2021 - Michał Kańtoch - "I won't give up"

Comments: To się nazywa siła przetrwania! (Basia W.) Nie wiadomo jakie jeszcze żywioły przetrwa ta samotna matka- byle się tylko nie poddać! (Basia W) This tree pictures steadfast resolution against the exuberant nature. (Renata) As for Category M, I think I’ll give the first spot to M14. The more I look at this picture, the more I like it. It is full of metaphoric meaning, which is not so easy to find in the floral world. (Piotr) Niesamowita siła przyrody! (Ania Kulig)

And what "monuments of nature" you caught in 2022? Share them with the rest of us. 


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