Saturday, December 31, 2022

The Best of Photo-Competitions (6)

Not only women look good in the mountains. Men too! This realization led to the creation of a new category in 2016

Bo Maciaszczyk Award - "(Sexy) Man in the mountains"

"Sexiness" is naturally a humorous concept, adding to the playfulness of the competition. The first winning photo was: 

2016 - Roman Lipiecki - "Seksowne kolanka Prezesa" (Sexy knees of the Prezes)

The photo was taken on Ha Ling Mountain, overhanging Canmore, Alberta, Canada. Encouraged by this win I was about to challenge George Clooney for the title of the "Sexiest Man Alive." Some other comments were:

Komentarze: Nie jestem pewien, czy jestem akurat największym ekspertem od oceniania męskich kolan, ale podoba mi się tytuł tego zdjęcia. (Michał) Łubu dubu, łubu dubu, niech żyje nam prezes naszego klubu! (Yanek) Tło całkiem odpowiednie, a i model niczego sobie! (Piotr)

Friday, December 30, 2022

The Best of the Photo-Competitions (5)

When I was 13 and got my first photo camera, I made a series of photos in the mountains. All showed different landscapes of Tatra Mountains and only one photo had a human character in it. To my great surprise this was the only photo that was actually drawing any attention from my family and friends. It helped me to realize that what is most interesting in the mountains ... is people! This realization was behind of establishing new categories of our photo contest in 2016 - "(Pretty) Woman in the Mountains" and, to not to be accused of sexism, "(Sexy) Man in the Mountains." In this post I will bring back the photos that one 

Marek Kucmierz Award - "(Pretty) Woman in the Mountains"

2016 - Piotr Rajski - "W Dolinie Dziesięciu Szczytowań"

The model in this photo is Zenka Kawecka in the Valley of 10 Peaks (Banff National Park, Canada), thus the title of the photo, the humor of which is not easy to translate. One should stress that Zenka was the first woman who started going to the mountains with our group, which eventually led to the change of the club's name: from "Polish Men" to "Polish Men and Women Mountaineering Club of Edmonton." 

Komentarze: Tło jest także bardzo piękne (wszystkie szczyty ponad 3000 m). Oszołamiająca modelka jest tu widoczna “w pełnej krasie!” W jej uśmiechu i mowie ciała widać nie tylko radość z bycia w górach, ale i radość ... z bycia kobietą! Czy może być lepsza kombinacja? (Piotr) Trzecie miejsce za zalotność! (Dorota) Możecie mnie pocałować...dalej nie idę! (MK) Jest kobieta, są góry, a do tego déjà vu, przecież myśmy tam byli. (Yanek)

Thursday, December 29, 2022

The Best of Photo-Competitions (4)

The Category F - "Mountain Selfie" - Elżbieta and Bogdan Tomczyk Award 

was also added only in 2015. The first winner was:

2015 - Dorota Kratochwil-Otto - "Aliens in Sunshine Village"

Stunningly interesting photo with so many things caught in the foreground and background. Also very nice composition - the contrast between colorful scarf, goggles, etc. and the whiteness of the snow and mountains far away. 

One could mention that this category was initially founded by Dorota who had the pleasure of winning it right away. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The best of Photo-Competitions (3)

The Category C - Michał Trzecieski Award - "Mountain humor" 

- was inaugurated only in 2015 edition of the Photo-Contest. The first place was claimed by:

2015 - Bo Maciaszczyk - "Corrida on 4000 meters"

On the way to Everest Camp in Himalayas, Jacek had this sudden, not quite pleasant encounter. Kudos for Bozena for catching this moment that had, inadvertently, certain humor in itself.  

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The Best of Photo-Competitions (2)

Today Category B - Roman Lipiecki Award - "Mountain Landscapes." The purpose of this category is to pick the best photos that show the beauty of the mountains. Human characters are typically absent from these photos, or, if they are present, they are marginal. 

2013 - Barbara Krzymień - "Taka kawa?"

As this category didn't exist yet in the first two photo-contests, and I don't remember the voting, somewhat arbitrarily I picked up this photo by Basia Krzymien, showing the famous Takakkaw Waterfall in Yoho National Park, Canada. There is a bit of a word play in the title. "Taka kawa?" means "This coffee?" in Polish. 

Monday, December 26, 2022

The best of Photo-Competitions

In preparation for the 2022 Photo-Contest, to inspire our members to pick up the best photos possible, I will remind you of the photos that won the previous editions of the contest. We'll start with:

Category A - Barbara and Witold Krzymień Award - "People and the Mountains." 

The purpose of this category is to explore our "relations" with the mountains. Of special interest are those human virtues that seem to be shaped by the mountains. We are talking traits such us courage, curiosity, sense of adventure, resilience, persistence, desire to reach the top, happiness, fun, willingness to help each other, and so on. These photos may also illustrate our human smallness in the mountains, hardships of being in the mountains, etc. In photos in this category human beings typically occupy the central spots, are well visible, etc. Less interesting may be the photos of groups of people "posing" in front of the mountains, but this may all depend on what is actually happening in the picture. 

So here are the winners of this category in the previous editions of the contest: 

2013 - Roman Lipiecki - "These fantastic men in Oesa Lake"

In 2013, there were only 9 photos in the competition and there were no categories yet. Undoubtedly, this photo would win the Category A as it won the whole contest. People voting for this photo typically pointed out to the humorous "machismo" of the picture, joy and fun of the models, their sex-appeal, or etc. Whenever I look at this picture, I smile!

Tuesday, December 6, 2022


Michałek przeszedł samego siebie i wszystko zorganizował doskonale, a Bożenka mu pomogła. Oczywiscie celebracja była dla Basi niespodzianką.

video link:

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Saturday, December 3, 2022

 "My sie zimy nie boimy i Andrzejki obchodzimy"

Tradycyjna impreza odbyla sie w Hawrelaku pomimo mrozu i wiatru

Andrzejki w Hawrelaku - 2022

video link: