Thursday, November 17, 2022

Berlin Hohenweg. Day 9. Edelhutte to Mayrhofen.

28 July 2017 

1 hr from Edelhutte to Ahornbahn. 

Finally, our adventure with Berlin High Trail came to the end. It had some difficult moments, and perhaps was not as pleasant as Alta Via 1, we had done in 2015. This is definitely a trail for advanced, experienced hikers. They should be well prepared for unpredictable alpine weather. Lucky, the trail sent us off with a nice, sunny day. 

Berlin Hohenweg. Day 8. Kasseler Hutte to Edelhutte.

27 July 2017 

Normally 14 km, about 9 hours. 

Having been "brutalized" for the second time, the previous day, we decided to skip the last part of Berlin High Trail, which was described as long and arduous. 

Berlin Hohenweg. Day 7. Greizer Hutte to Kasseler Hutte.

26 July 2017 

10.1 km, +690/-740 m, 5.5 hours (guidebook time)

Shortly after we left Greizer Hut, the weather started to deteriorate again. 

Berlin Hohenweg. Day 5. Furtschaglhaus Lodge to Berliner Hut.

24 July 2017 

8.9 km, +850/-1100 m, 6 hours (guidebook time)

Unfortunately, the next morning weather took turn for worse. Still, others were pushing ...

Berlin Hohenweg. Day 6. Berliner Hut to Greizer Hut.

25 July 2017 

Normally 10.8 km, +1235/-1050 m, 7 hours. 

Having been traumatized the previous day, and after reading that another "steep rock scramble section with cables to protect" is expected on the way to Greizer Hut, we decided to "cheat." We walked down Zemmgrund Valley to Breitlahner (this alone took over 2 hours), where we took a bus to Naturparkhaus in Gizling. We reported our "near death experience" to a park official, but got little understanding or compassion. 

Berlin Hohenweg. Day 4. Friesenberghaus to Furtschaglhaus Lodge.

23 July 2017 

15.4 km, +690/-875 m, 6 hours (guidebook time)

Still spent in the morning ...

Berlin Hohenweg. Day 3. Gamshutte to Friesenberghaus.

 14.8 km, +1130/-575 m, 9 hrs (guidebook time)

Jetlagged or not jetlagged, rested or not rested, we had to hit the trail toward Friesenberghaus the next morning. The sign informed us that we were looking at about 9 hours of ambitious hiking. To cut the chase ... it took us 12 hours to get there.

Berlin Hohenweg. Day 2. Mayrhofen to Gamshutte.

 21 July 2017

This was supposed to be a rather easy day. The guidebook indicated 3 hours as the time of hiking to the hut. Perhaps because of our jet lags, or perhaps because we are no longer that young, that we hiked for about 5 hours. 

Berlin Hohenweg - Day 1. Innsbruck to Mayrhofen.

 20 July 2017

As I mentioned before, with my friend Mike, we took an overnight flights from Edmonton via Toronto to London Gatwick. From London Gatwick we took EasyJet to Innsbruck. Innsbruck welcomed us with a cloudy and rainy weather, I guess, a sign of things to come. 


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Sunday, November 6, 2022

Berlin Hohenweg 2017


Mike Alexander on the way to Friesenberghaus. 

Berlin Hohenweg (Berlin High Trail) is a popular, multiday hike in Zillertal Alps in Austria. We did it with my friend, Mike, in 2017. Why a delay in the report? Perhaps because it was not quite as pleasant experience as Alta Via 1 in 2015. The problem was predominantly related to the weather. As Dolomites are typically quite warm in summer, on this route we had a few of rainy and cold days. Still, our story could be of interest for someone planning this route. 

We did all our reservations through Zillertal Naturpark. We found this to be both convenient and economical (e.g., got some vouchers for free bus and taxi rides). Check them out for their current pricing. 

The delights of Manitou Springs


Our contingent was somewhat smaller this year, only 4 persons, however the experience was still delightful as illustrated by Mike's body language.