wtorek, 17 października 2017

Bike ride 15 Oct 2017

Nasty winds outside seem to encourage me to recall the pleasures of the last Sunday. With temperatures approaching 15C, and sunny, windless afternoon, we had excellent conditions for our bike ride. Five riders disembarked their bicycles at my place, but we have reached the full strength only about 20 minutes later, at Fort Edmonton Footbridge.

The fortunate participants were:

Ela and Bogdan ...

Staszek, Ania, Dorota, Michał, Piotr and this writer.

First we biked to the newly finished Terwilliger Footbridge, which I saw from below (from a kayak) but never put my foot on yet.

Ela and Ania added color and curves to the natural curvature of the bridge.

"Luzaki" - Piotr and Mikele - were pressing ahead ...

... while Staszek appeared slightly "out of order."

In Terwilliger Park we discovered this "Trąba Jerychońska" (Jerycho trumpet). Ania blew through it and the weather improved right away.

Shortly thereafter, at the end of the park, it was time to bid farewell to lovely Dorota, Staszek and Piotr, who, due to some social engagements, had to leave our pack at this point.

In a slightly smaller group we reached Anthony Henday Bridge ...

... where the river demonstrated to us the beauty of the Indian Summer.

In a few more minutes we got to Cameron Heights, where we were reminded of our civic duties the next day.

From there we had to cross one more, the last but also the deepest, ravine, which triggered even more enthusiasm in Elżbieta. Twenty minutes later, after over 2 hours of biking, we were back at my place.

We ate something simple (thanks for all the potluck contributions - smoked salmon, "pieczeń" and the cranberry wine. The last brought by Mikele from BC especially for this occasion.) ...

... and sat around the fire. We were in good humors that come from the activity of the body.

While letting our "energy bodies" to purify in the flames ...

... we discussed the "unity of time and space" and a few more frivolous subjects that would be beyond the scope of this coverage. The only unfortunate occurrence was ...

... that a spark from the fire jumped onto Elżbieta's breast. A few men volunteered to kiss out this "bubu" (booboo?), but eventually Bogdan asserted that this was his privilege.

What an evening, what an evening!

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