"Moon Walk Without Moon"
Video link:
"Idź w góry, a otrzymasz ich dobrą nowinę. Pokój Natury popłynie do ciebie tak jak światło słońca płynie ku drzewom. Wiatry wwieją w ciebie swoją świeżość, a burze dadzą ci swoją energię, podczas gdy troski (tego świata) odpadną od ciebie jak jesienne liście." John Muir (1838-1914), szkocko-amerykański naturalista i propagator tworzenia parków narodowych, współzałożyciel organizacji ekologicznej Sierra Club.
"Moon Walk Without Moon"
Video link:
Our New Year's Eve wasn't exactly a pre-dawn alpine start. We were operating on a more civilized 10 AM departure from the ACC lodge. After all, Ha Ling, while worthy challenge, wasn't Everest. We weren't expecting to summit by brunch.
up at 8:30 allowed for the usual lodge morning rituals: the mad dash for a
vacant bathroom (a small victory in itself), the kitchen scavenger hunt (where
*are* the plates this time?), and breakfast with the other intrepid
adventurers… or, well, just us. It seemed everyone else was either already
conquering some other peak or wisely choosing to sleep in.
Category R - "Reels" - Andy Rutkowski Award
1st Place - "Om Namah Shivaya butterflies" - by Piotr Rajski
Category N - "Full Movie Feature" - Boris Bokov Award
1st Place - "Hiking Tent Ridge Horseshoe Trail" - by Andy Rutkowski (25:14)
Category L - "Video with a Twist" - Beata and Andrzej Jędrych Award
1st Place - "The Raven of the Delicate Arch" - by Piotr Rajski
Category I - "The Monuments of Nature" - Barbara Walter Award
1st Place - "Two Thousand Years Old Twins" - by Basia Krzymień
Category H - "(Sexy) Man in the Mountains" - Bo Maciaszczyk Award
1st Place - "Saint Dragan" - featuring Dragan Radovic
Category G - "(Pretty) Woman in the Mountains" - Bogdan Kulik Award
1st Place (ex equo) - "Pretty on the top" - featuring Gosia Stróżyk