Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Troll Falls

 17 Lipiec 2022

(Clicking on the photos allows to see them in greater size)

Troll Falls is an easy hike (3.4 km, +154 m) near the Wilderness Hostel in Kananaskis. It is an excellent objective for the "second day," assuming you hiked hard the previous day. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Picklejar Lakes

 Sobota, 16 Lipiec 2022

Picklejar Lakes are described sometimes as "hidden gem of Kananaskis." They are, in fact, relatively remote (about a 2hr drive from Calgary, 67 km from Kananaskis Wilderness Hostel). In our case, they were not so "hidden." A few other trails were closed and it was a "free day" in Kananaskis (no need to buy a pass), so we encountered a lot of people and dogs. This however didn't take anything from the pleasure of this adventure. Beautiful mountains, a sunny day and a joyful company is always a winning combination! 

For the record, our GPSs showed 5.4 km and +460m of altitude gain to the first lake. It took us 2.5 hours. 

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Laurier Park to Gold Bar Park on the river

 13 July 2022

It was a warm, sunny day and another opportunity to see our beautiful Edmonton from the river. In about 3 hours we covered 16.2 km. The river seemed as relaxed as we were. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Mt. Louie, 1845 m, Grande Cache.

Mt. Louie is a popular objective near Grande Cache (Alberta). The altitude gain is about 800 meters over a distance of approximately 5 km. Our group made it (back and forth) in 7 hours, mostly because of the problems crossing streaks and muddy sections. Most people do the mountain in between 4.5 and 6 hours. For AllTrails description of the trail click here

As for the rest of the photostory I have a rare treat for you! The trip report was written by Boris Bokov, the Trip Leader, which I quote extensively (in italics), while my own comments are in regular font.