niedziela, 12 czerwca 2022

Jumpingpound Mountain, 2225 m

 Saturday, 11 June 2022

Finally the long wait was over! In spite of a somewhat "iffy" weather forecast, a brave group of 15 members of the Club embarked on scaling Jumpingpound Mountain in Kananaskis. The hike happened to be a bit longer than we anticipated - most of our GPSs showed 16 km while the guidebook was indicating 13.2 km, with 580 meters of altitude gain. The hike didn't disappoint though!

niedziela, 5 czerwca 2022

Mountain Knighthood

 Saturday, 4 June 2022

Following the Awards Ceremony of 2021 Photo-Competition and a Tribute to Prezes (see the video), a few male members of our Club were granted "Mountain Knighthood" by the Ladies of the Club. 

A Tribute to Prezes

 Saturday, 4 June 2022

To my own surprise, handing over of the awards, didn't finish the official part of the Awards Ceremony! A group of the Club's Angels, under the direction of Bosnia, prepared ... a tribute to Prezes! Each of them read a quotation from famous mountaineers, ranging from Edward Whymper to Wanda Rutkiewicz, from Wojciech Kurtyka to Jerzy Kukuczka, and then added a few words from themselves to describe what hiking with me meant for them. This was all very touching! For those interested, I include a link to the video recording of this tribute - here

Awards Ceremony for 2021 Photo/Competition

 Saturday, 4 June 2022

The Awards Ceremony took place again in Hawrelak Park. It was a splendid celebration of our love for the mountains and each other.