Sunday, June 12, 2022

Jumpingpound Mountain, 2225 m

 Saturday, 11 June 2022

Finally the long wait was over! In spite of a somewhat "iffy" weather forecast, a brave group of 15 members of the Club embarked on scaling Jumpingpound Mountain in Kananaskis. The hike happened to be a bit longer than we anticipated - most of our GPSs showed 16 km while the guidebook was indicating 13.2 km, with 580 meters of altitude gain. The hike didn't disappoint though!

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Mountain Knighthood

 Saturday, 4 June 2022

Following the Awards Ceremony of 2021 Photo-Competition and a Tribute to Prezes (see the video), a few male members of our Club were granted "Mountain Knighthood" by the Ladies of the Club. 

A Tribute to Prezes

 Saturday, 4 June 2022

To my own surprise, handing over of the awards, didn't finish the official part of the Awards Ceremony! A group of the Club's Angels, under the direction of Bosnia, prepared ... a tribute to Prezes! Each of them read a quotation from famous mountaineers, ranging from Edward Whymper to Wanda Rutkiewicz, from Wojciech Kurtyka to Jerzy Kukuczka, and then added a few words from themselves to describe what hiking with me meant for them. This was all very touching! For those interested, I include a link to the video recording of this tribute - here

Awards Ceremony for 2021 Photo/Competition

 Saturday, 4 June 2022

The Awards Ceremony took place again in Hawrelak Park. It was a splendid celebration of our love for the mountains and each other.