niedziela, 5 czerwca 2022

Awards Ceremony for 2021 Photo/Competition

 Saturday, 4 June 2022

The Awards Ceremony took place again in Hawrelak Park. It was a splendid celebration of our love for the mountains and each other. 

The number 100 000 on the two (!) cakes baked by Barbara indicates that our Club's blog has had over 100 000 of visitors!

A sign that things will be even more festive than in the past was this banner - Polish Men and Women Mountaineering Club of Edmonton - prepared by some mysterious Angels! When Andy inquired why the name of the club couldn't be made simpler, I explain that it accents dynamic ... sexual tension between the male and female members of the club! ... as, for instance, in the picture below:

Then came the official part: handing over diplomas and prizes!

In Category A - "People and the mountains" - Barbara and Witek Krzymień Award - the winning photo was "Human Scale" by Boris Bokov. (You can see all the winning photos in better resolution here). As neither the winner nor the founders were in attendance (Boris sent a video address, which was very appreciated), the award was taken (temporarily) by Mike. (Boris, please, contact Mike to arrange for transfer). 

In Category B - "Mountain landscapes" - Roman Lipiecki Award - the winning photo was "Kaskawulsh Icefield" by Marek Kucmierz. The winner being in a travel, Roman reassured us that he'll pass the diploma and the prize to Marek in due time. 

Also the winner in Category C - "Mountain humor" - Mike Alexander Award - was not present on account of Covid (this still seems to be going around). On behalf of Barbara, the diploma was accepted by Gosia. As for the champaign, Mike asserted that he'll deliver it ... personally! Basia beware!

In Category D - "Mountains Enhanced" - Michał Kańtoch Award - the winner was Andy Rutkowski's photo - "Red Rock Canyon." As Andy was not present, his award was accepted by Marian. 

Then, like a comet, Ania Kulig stopped by to pick up the prize for winning in Category F - "Mountain Selfie" - Elżbieta and Bogdan Tomczyk Award. One could only hope that Ania will spend more time with us in the mountains than during the Awards Ceremony. 

In Category G - "(Pretty) Woman in the Mountains" - Marek Kucmierz Award - the first place was taken by Andy Rutkowski's photo - "Joyous, flying hair" - in which Barbara's red hair featured prominently. On behalf of the model, the award was accepted by Gosia, while Roman substituted for the founder of the award, Marek. (At this point I would like to stress the fantastic job done during the ceremony by ... banner holders!)

In Category J - "Postcard from vacation - Amaze me!" - Jacek Maciaszczyk Award - a very solid award was snatched by Andy Rutkowski's photo - "Welcome to Morocco." Again, on behalf of the winner, the prize was accepted by Marian. 

In Category K - "Best comment" - Ania Kupnicka Award - the winner happened to be, and justifiably so, this writer. 

In Category L - "Video with a twist" - Andrzej and Beata Jędrych Award - the winner was Urmila Das for her video - "Asia, the Sphinx." One could only be impressed how skillfully Asia twisted in this short clip. She must have danced "Twist" as a young person!

In Category M - "Mountain Flora and Fauna" - Bożena and Jacek Wojno Award - the winner was the photo "I won't give up!" by Michał Kańtoch. Michał couldn't attend but a beautiful album of mountain photography, from the collection of the Wojnos, is his to pick up. 

Great abundance happened in Category H - "(Sexy) Man in the mountains" - Bożena Maciaszczyk Award. Forgetting that she has already sent a bottle of wine before, Bożena delivered, through her husband Jacek, another one! So, for the first time in a history of this competition, the prize could go both to the model, Roman, and the author of the photo - Łukasz Różycki, who couldn't attend. Luka, your bottle is with Roman for you to pick up!

As for the Grand Prix Prezesa - "The Best Photo of 2021" - I decided to return to our "roots," that is Zubrówka Vodka, which was the main prize offered in the first photo-competition. The winning photo was "Kaskawulsh Icefield" by Marek Kucmierz. On behalf of Marek, the award was accepted by Roman. 

And then ... a miracle happened!

Andy Rutkowski "manifested" straight from his trip to Utah! Just in time to accept the first prize in Category E - "Mountain Archives" - Yanek Wojcik Award - for his photo "Riding on Mt. Wilcox." 

On top of this, Roman delivered an over-due award for 2020 Photo-Competition. 

The winner in his category was then Jacek Maciaszczyk, who, thus, miraculously ... recovered one bottle of booze! 

If you think this is the end to the report from the Awards Ceremony, think twice! However, in order not to make this blog post too long, I will continue my coverage in other posts, called "A Tribute to Prezes" and  "Mountain Knighthood." Don't miss it! 

In the meantime, join us in the mountains, and, for God's sake, keep taking pictures!

(To be continued).


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