niedziela, 5 czerwca 2022

A Tribute to Prezes

 Saturday, 4 June 2022

To my own surprise, handing over of the awards, didn't finish the official part of the Awards Ceremony! A group of the Club's Angels, under the direction of Bosnia, prepared ... a tribute to Prezes! Each of them read a quotation from famous mountaineers, ranging from Edward Whymper to Wanda Rutkiewicz, from Wojciech Kurtyka to Jerzy Kukuczka, and then added a few words from themselves to describe what hiking with me meant for them. This was all very touching! For those interested, I include a link to the video recording of this tribute - here

Deeply moved, I rushed to hug all the Angels, though only one hug like this was recorded by a spectator. 

With the Vice-President, Mike, we were also rewarded with medals! Justifiably so! Mike's enormous energy and enthusiasm has been, no doubt about it, instrumental in making our club such a lively and joyous organization. 

Then, no end to surprises, I was given a ... big present! Dimension wise, I thought, it looked like hiking shoes; however, the lightness of the package suggested something else.

It happened to be a pair of ... red high heels! These darn Angels know well my weaknesses!

Even Wojtek opened his mouth wide! He hasn't seen anything like this in his lifetime. 

Though I am impressed, I have to admit, by women wearing red high heels, I don't have much use for them myself. My Dearly Beloved ...

... is rather conservative and refuses to wear those. 

Thus I establish a new Special Award - Red High Heels of the Year - for the lady of the Club who:

  1. will accomplish the most in the mountains in any given year
  2. and/or will demonstrate the best humor/wit in the mountains in any given year
  3. and/or ... (I am open to suggestions)
In the meantime, what a privilege it is to lead all these wonderful women to the mountains! May I be in position to do it for many years to come!

With Love and Gratitude, Piotr. 

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