Sunday, October 20, 2019

Meeting with Tomasz Kobielski

With great pleasure, we would like to invite everyone to the meeting with Tomasz Kobielski, one of the top Polish Mountaineers, the Conqueror of the Crown of Earth (the highest peaks on all continents, which includes Mt. Everest). On invitation from our member, Jacek Maciaszczyk, and in cooperation with the Polish Culture Society, Mr. Kobielski will visit Edmonton on 31 Oct. His meeting, and slide show, will start at 19:00 in the Polish Hall, 10960-104 Street, (next to Royal Alexandra Hospital). There is no entry fee (!) and light refreshments will be served. 

This is a rare opportunity to meet with the World Class Mountaineer! We hope to see you ALL there! 


Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Polish Ulans Supersonic

We took advantage of, literally, the last couple of hours before the influx of arctic air, to squeeze one more bike ride this year. This time, only men participated, and not just regular men, but Polish Ulans Supersonic!
From left to right: Mike, Jacek, Peter, Piotr and this writer.

We followed well established, slightly expanded Prezes Classic Trail - roughly 16 km ride, which took us about 2 hours - in autumn colors covered city of Edmonton.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Short video:

Kananaskis Country - over 4,000 km² of protected wilderness along the Eastern Slopes of Canadian Rockies.
Well known and popular destination in Alberta, Canada.
This video shows Upper Kananaskis Lake Trail.

Short video:
Kananaskis Country - over 4,000 km² of protected wilderness along the Eastern Slopes of Canadian Rockies.
Well known and popular destination in Alberta, Canada.
This video shows Upper Kananaskis Lake and Rawson Lake.