Friday, August 12, 2016

Skyline Trail August 2016

Skyline trail - the highest trail in Jasper National Park.
This 45 km trail goes over 2000 m high between Maligne Lake and Jasper

There is no typical view of that trail, since it goes between the valleys, meadows and high elevated passes. But every step of the way it takes your breath away

Our 2 families of 3 started our 3 days, and 2 nights journey on the beautiful, sunny morning when we entered a forest just off the Maligne lake parking lot.

Short brake for snack by one of the creeks 

There was less and less trees or shrubs

We reached the meadows

Shortly after the Little Shovel pass, we approached the campground. 
This is the view we enjoyed during our supper

Similar view could be adored from The Throne.
Night was quite uneventful except an over 1 hr long lighting show

Next morning we have to leave meadows behind and started approaching the Big Shovel Pass
Sean with the Mt Curator at the back

Before we had a chance to enjoy the Big Shovel Pass,
we realized, we need to get to the top of the Notch Pass

It wasn't a scramble, but full backpacks did not help in that venture.
We all gained the elevation quite fast 

Very deserved rest at about 2500 m. And yes, we can see the clouds rolling in

This is just a rush between the Notch and Tekarra

And this is a reason of our rush. Still it looks beautiful

We escaped the lightning strikes, but got into some hail and rain.
It felt much safer in the valley, light rain is not an issue 

All is forgotten when you wake up next day on the beautiful sunny morning
Here with Mt Tekarra at the back

However its time to start the last leg of this trip.
Lets go home

Again deserved water brake

We usually walked together, however sometimes we had our moments

Last minutes on the top

Last pictures and...

It was time to start descending to Jasper

One more group picture after about 95 thousands steps each

Well deserved meal in Jasper
Can you spot the major difference between two pictures?
FYI, look at Adam's huge martini glass

There will be another hike, hopefully backpack will be lighter



  1. No i to jest sprawozdanie z wycieczki! Brawo Janek!

  2. Sweetie,
    Gratuluje calej Waszej 6-ce

  3. I love the picture of "our moments". And the light rain is not too bad. Years ago, also in Aug, we were setting up our Tekarra camp in a snowy and muddy slush. Another July, mosquitos didn't let us to eat outside the tents. Congrats on almost perfect conditions.
