Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Photo-Contest 2022 - Awards Ceremony


Our traditional Awards Ceremony this time took place in Emily Murphy Park. The weather was excellent, and so were the humors of the participants. 

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Bald Hills in winter - by Boris Bokov

It was a bluebird day, and it turned out we called it a summer day. It was already 15 C in the morning. I thought the snow would turn into mush, and I knew we had already made a rookie mistake: we were too late. We should have started our climb at 6 AM and be back by noon or the latest, at 1 PM. We would have evaded high temperatures, hot sun, and wet and slushy snow. I even didn't think about avalanches, as I knew we would choose mellow slopes.

I also knew we would have fun. And we wouldn't need to worry about ticks and bears. It would be too much snow for both species :).

We departed for Maligne Lake at 9 AM and reached the Bald Hills trailhead at 10:25 AM. The drive was stunning. No clouds, blue skies, white peaks, and no cars made everything magical. I took quite a few photos and videos. Not recording it would be shameful; such beauty can only lift our spirits. Also, it was interesting to compare nature; 20 years ago, ten years ago, or at any given time, during which I was diligent in capturing the beauty.

Monday, May 1, 2023