niedziela, 29 maja 2022

poniedziałek, 23 maja 2022

Picasso Flats bike ride and social

 Saturday, 21 May 2022

From the left: Mike, Wojtek, Barbara, Bogdan, Beata, Andrzej, Elzbieta, Jacek, Roman and Asia. 

We were so bursting with desire for physical activity and social contact that it was impossible to wait any longer. That is why I invited every body to join me for the Picasso Flats bike ride - a repeat of the trail we did two years ago (see the photostory - Although this was exactly the same trail, this year my GPS showed almost 20 km (comparing to 17.8 km in 2020) - perhaps because, free of the Covid scare, we did the trail in a more leisury way. 

wtorek, 17 maja 2022