poniedziałek, 23 maja 2022

Picasso Flats bike ride and social

 Saturday, 21 May 2022

From the left: Mike, Wojtek, Barbara, Bogdan, Beata, Andrzej, Elzbieta, Jacek, Roman and Asia. 

We were so bursting with desire for physical activity and social contact that it was impossible to wait any longer. That is why I invited every body to join me for the Picasso Flats bike ride - a repeat of the trail we did two years ago (see the photostory - https://pmdkwe.blogspot.com/2020/06/picasso-flats.html). Although this was exactly the same trail, this year my GPS showed almost 20 km (comparing to 17.8 km in 2020) - perhaps because, free of the Covid scare, we did the trail in a more leisury way. 

All the participants brought their "iron horses" on cars ...

... with the exception of the club's "tough man," Roman, who came by bike, adding 18 km to his day's total. 

Some greyish beauties exercised their charms on men right away. 

Is it only my impression that retirement (the day before) made Elzbieta look more radiant and sexy?

Shortly after we hit the trail, there was opportunity to take a few photos with our beautiful river - North Saskatchewan that is - in the background. 

The vista is in fact hard to resist. 

As is getting in physical contact with Barbara. 

We biked along some "affluent" neighborhoods that tend to be located close to the river. 

With Picasso's Don Kichot sculpture no longer available, Mike photographed himself with ... the dinosaur. 

The trail goes mostly through quiet residential streets and shared pathways. However, we had to cross a couple of busy streets. We stopped at a few landmarks, such as Yanek Wójcik and Janusz Gatnicki's houses. 

We rehydrated every so often. 

Another great vista opportunity came around Fort Edmonton Footbridge. As you may see, these are the ladies with whom one would be willing to bike ... to the end of the world! 

Back at my place, with all the bikes mounted on cars or parked safely ...

... we progressed to celebrate "togetherness." Everybody contributed to the potluck abundantly. 

Bison burgers were served with flat breads this time ...

... while sausages competed with Mike's signature spicy drumsticks and excellent Greek salad. 

Three people joined us just for the social, with Gosia exhibiting impressive flexibility!

Some moderate amounts of beer and wine were consumed. However, Roman grabbed his favorite whisky. 

For desert, we had the cake, which Barbara made "własnymi ręcami" (with her own hands) and served graciously. 

Then, there was time for "fire purification." Unfortunately, no ladies were willing to jump naked over the fire. 

However, fire is often a witness to some "tall tales." Not quite surprisingly, a lot of conversation was about our ... early sexual encounters!

The ladies shared how, as young girls, they were exposed to so called "farmer's love" ("chłopskie zaloty"). These stories made Mike and Wojtek to ... raise up! They couldn't calm down for a while. 

Overall, we had a very good time, counting our blessings, at this stage of life and in Canada, giving thanks to the Immortal One and to our "gracious queen" (at the vigil of Queen Victoria Day). It made me happy to organize this trip and to host all these wonderful people. If you keep it simple, it is not that tiresoming. I hope more people will come forward to organize similar walks, bike, kayak trips so we all could enjoy our short Canadian summer! Let us celebrate aliveness and togetherness! 


1 komentarz:

  1. It was a very nice bike trip, but the party prepared by the host was even better. Piotr prepared a delicious meal and a fantastic atmosphere. Even "Ged" (the host's dog) was very happy to be visited by such a large group of people.
