Sunday, August 29, 2021

Benefis Bośni

 26 August 2021

Dear Friends, last Thursday a big group of our club members, and a broader Polish (and international) Community, gathered in Hawrelak Park to celebrate our Esteemed Member, Bożena Wojno, on occasion of her receiving ...

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Birthday on Mt. Loki

 18 August 2021

Mt. Loki, 2771 m, is a "cultish" mountain in the Central Kootenay Valley in British Columbia. I had a pleasure of scrambling this mountain in 2020 (see the photostory). This time I had a privilege of guiding to this mountain the two fantastic ladies - Barbara and Teresa - on Barbara's birthday!

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Full Monty (almost) in Arnica Lake

 1 August 2021

Having extended, and in some cases over-extended, ourselves the previous day on Emerald Peak and Mount Carnarvon, we opted for something "leisury" - a hike to Arnica Lake, the distance of around 9.6 km (return), with the altitude gain/loss of +760/-200. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Bow Glacier Falls, Banff National Park, lipiec 24/2021

Zmęczeni, po sportowym wyczynie na Observation Peak, wybraliśmy łatwy i przyjemny cel niedzielnej wyprawy - Bow Glacier Falls.