Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Shunda Creek Camp 2024


Shunda Creek Camp, which took place between 2nd and 5th of August, was attended by 15 persons. A lot happened, starting with Piotr Zielinski (pictured) and Roman Lipiecki scaling Mount Ernest Ross Via Ferrata, which is considered to be one of the most difficult in Canada. It involves negotiating a 7 meter long overhang, which Piotr, in the picture, is about to begin. More of the pictures from their adventure can be found here

On Saturday, the Ambitious Team of 11 brave souls, led by Boris Bokov, attempted to scramble Caldron Peak. Unfortunately, they didn't find a way to cross Caldron Creek because of raging waters and were forced to abandon their goal. 

In the meantime, the Leisure Team, led by this writer, went "one bridge too far" on the way to Siffleur Falls ... 

... and was soaked by two consecutive hail storms. 

There was even a chance for a little Wet T-shirt Contest; however the ladies refused to get from under their umbrellas. 

Still, hiking with these attractive ...

... sexy ...

... and witty women ...

... was a great pleasure for me. 

On Sunday, we regrouped again. The Harpagons of Boris went to explore the Upper Abraham Lake, while Piotr Zielinski guided Basia and Krzysztof Flis through their first ever ... Fox Ferrata. As soon as I have pictures from these adventures, I will add them to these post. 

With Mike and Eva we embarked on Allstone Lake Hike. 

I was very pleased with our choice. After a longer break (I haven't hiked since Patagonia in January), this 5 km and 630 m of altitude gain trail was perfect for me. We were rewarded with good weather and excellent views. 

However, I have to admit, hiking behind Eva made me a bit alienated from all these wonderful views around. 

It was on account of her "cut out of stone" bum. I even proposed renaming the trail to Allstone Bum Trail, but has to abandon this idea in view of Eva's vivid protests. :-)

Mike and Eva then hiked Allstone Peak (another 150 m of altitude gain), while I opted for spending a bit of time alone on the pass, enjoying the views and the mountain air, as well as repeating my mantra. 

We reached the car shortly before the storm, which allowed me to get a refreshing dip in Fish Lake. The Harpagons, being less lucky, were caught by a raging hail storm. The storm was powerful enough to stop them from driving. 

The next, because of uncertain weather, we spent in the newly opened Nordegg Discovery Centre.

It explains the history of the town, associated until 1957 with a coal mine that operated there. 

The Centre has many interesting artifacts ... 

... and audiovisual gadgets. 

If you haven't been there, I strongly recommend you do it the next time you have a chance. 


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