Sunday, December 31, 2023

Salut to Vienna

A group of very attractive members of the Club bid farewell to the Old Year by attending the performance - "Salut to Vienna" - in the prestigious Winspear Centre.

From the left: Urmila, Tereska, Lucyna. Janusz, Grażyna N., Grażyna R., Elżbieta Michał, Gosia, Basia, Bożena, Andrzej, Beata, Dragan, Holly, Dusia and Piotr. Missing (as usual taking the photo): Andy (and also Sławek; perhaps I missed a few others.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

The Best of 2023 Photo-Contest (12)

Grand Prix Prezesa - The Best Picture of 2023 - Najlepsze Zdjęcie Roku

Michał Trzecieski - "Hiking above the clouds"


I could say my heart was “swayed” by this photo that seems to have this particular message I am looking for. Though small, we humans, just through the sheer power of our legs, can “get above the clouds.” Drawn by the beauty of the mountains, we reach great heights, which is a testimony to our fighting spirit, tenacity, sense of adventure and the power to transcend the limitations of our material life. I see it all in this very allegoric picture and that is why I give it first place. (Piotr)  

A few comments: 

Magnificent view from above the clouds including Mawenzi peak, 5149 m. Emotional thriller! (Basia W) 

How fantastic is to be over the cloud. (Ania M.) 

Pokazuje ludzi, którzy  osiągnęli  tajemnicze miejsce (wygląda jak  wulkaniczna góra) i już wyżej  nic nie ma  do osiągnięcia i chmury nawet  się  im kłaniają. (Janusz)

Congratulations, Michał! You deserve it!


Monday, December 25, 2023

The Best of 2023 Photo-Contest (11)

 Category R - "Górskie reels" - Andy Rutkowski Award - "Mountain reels"

1st Place - "Banff in November" - by ... Andy Rutkowski



Sunday, December 24, 2023

The Best of 2023 Photo-Contest (10)

Category N - "Film Pełnometrażowy" - Boris Bokov Award - "Full Movie Feature"

1st Place - "Fearless Seniors on Fox Via Ferrata" - by Andy Rutkowski

Impressive footage from a drone! Congrats, Seniors, and congrats Andy! Super job! 


Saturday, December 23, 2023

The best of 2023 Photo-Contest (9)

Category L - "Video z przekrętem" - Beata i Andrzej Jędrych Award - "Video with a twist"

1st Place - "O Maryjanno!" - by Andy Rutkowski

Congratulations, Andy!


Friday, December 22, 2023

The Best of 2023 Photo-Contest (8)

 Category I - "Pomniki przyrody" - Barbara Walter Award - "Monuments of nature"

1st Place - "I worked hard for my master last night" - by Barbara Walter



Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Best of 2023 Photo-Contest (7)

Category H - "(Sexy) Mężczyzna w górach" - Bożena Maciaszczyk Award - "(Sexy) Man in the mountains"

1st Place - Mike Alexander Trzecieski - "The lion of Kilimanjaro"

 Congratulations, Mike – it is not easy to stay sexy above 5000 meters!


Tuesday, December 19, 2023

The Best of 2023 Photo-Contest (6)

Category H - "(Piękna) Kobieta w górach" - Marek Kucmierz Award - "(Pretty) Woman in the mountains"

1st Place - Ania Kulig - "A Wild Flower"

Congratulations, Ania!


Monday, December 18, 2023

The Best of 2023 Photo-Contest (5)

 Category F - "Górski selfik" - Elżbieta Tomczyk Award - "Mountain Selfie"

1st Place - "Grace-ful over Abraham Lake" by Grace Borun

Congratulations, Grażyna! 


Sunday, December 17, 2023

The Best of 2023 Photo-Contest (4)

 Category E - "Górskie archiwalia" - Yanek Wójcik Award - "Mountain archives"

1st Place - "Mesmerized by Assiniboine in early morning light" - by Roman Lipiecki. 

Congratulations, Roman!


Saturday, December 16, 2023

The Best of 2023 Photo-Contest (3)

 Category C - "Humor górski" - Michał Trzecieski Award - "Mountain humor"

1st Place - "Woman and the world" (diptych) by Jacek Maciaszczyk

Friday, December 15, 2023

The Best of 2023 Photo-Contest (2)

Category B – „Górskie krajobrazy” – Roman Lipiecki Award – “Mountain landscapes”

1st place - Ania Kulig - "Yukon Beauties"

Congratulations to the winner! 


Thursday, December 14, 2023

The Best of 2023 Photo-Contest (1)

 A – „Ludzie i góry” – Andrew Kubicki Award – “People and the mountains”

1st Place - Grace Borun - "Connection"

The photo depicts "connection" between a man and a woman, and their "connection" with the surrounding beauty of the mountains. The two tired hikers are Basia Walter and Mike Alexander. The photo was taken on top of Two O'Clock Ridge, overlooking Abraham Lake, in David Thompson area of Rocky Mountains, Alberta, Canada. 

Congratulations to Grace for the photo that received the most votes in the competition. 
