wtorek, 26 grudnia 2023

The Best of 2023 Photo-Contest (12)

Grand Prix Prezesa - The Best Picture of 2023 - Najlepsze Zdjęcie Roku

Michał Trzecieski - "Hiking above the clouds"


I could say my heart was “swayed” by this photo that seems to have this particular message I am looking for. Though small, we humans, just through the sheer power of our legs, can “get above the clouds.” Drawn by the beauty of the mountains, we reach great heights, which is a testimony to our fighting spirit, tenacity, sense of adventure and the power to transcend the limitations of our material life. I see it all in this very allegoric picture and that is why I give it first place. (Piotr)  

A few comments: 

Magnificent view from above the clouds including Mawenzi peak, 5149 m. Emotional thriller! (Basia W) 

How fantastic is to be over the cloud. (Ania M.) 

Pokazuje ludzi, którzy  osiągnęli  tajemnicze miejsce (wygląda jak  wulkaniczna góra) i już wyżej  nic nie ma  do osiągnięcia i chmury nawet  się  im kłaniają. (Janusz)

Congratulations, Michał! You deserve it!


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