Thursday, September 28, 2023

Róża Wiatrów


Długoletni członek naszego Klubu - Staszek Smuga - pisarz, komentator polityczny, felietonista, podróżnik i ogólnie "niespokojna dusza," uprzejmie zgodził się na wykorzystanie przez nas jego tekstu pt. "Róża Wiatrów," umieszczonego na Facebooku. Oto on:

Róża wiatrów.

„Róża wiatrów to symbol życiowej podróży, ciekawości świata, poszukiwania i odkrywania tego co nieznane”.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Mt Burke Hike, September 2023

photos by AR

link to 78 photos:

Bogdan Kulik in Himalayas


Our colleague Bogdan Kulik - a marathon runner and a fellow Nasze Radio Canada broadcaster - is currently exploring Himalayas. He has just reached Kyanjin Ri, 4773 meters, the highest point on Langtang Trek. We eagerly wait for more news from Bogdan and possibly some quality, high resolution photography. 

In the meantime you can watch this excellent movie about Kyanjin Ri by Richard Pattisson -

Take care, Bogdan. We keep our fingers crossed for you!


Kilimanjaro one more time


With all this recent hype about Kilimanjaro I discovered that two other members of our club summitted this mountain in 2015. These are the most excellent Krzysztof and Basia Flis! This brings the number of our club members who stood on Mt. Kilimanjaro to 8. (All their pictures are here) How many outdoor clubs can match this number? 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Mt. Burke

Mt. Burke, 2542 m, is a fine summit at the very south part of Kananaskis Park, with a very characteristic old Cameron Lookout on the top. It is perhaps because of its remoteness that the peak is not visited more often. It took us 1:15 hr from Kananaskis Wilderness Hostel to reach the trailhead, the last 16 km being on a gravel road. Access to Cataract Creek campground was closed, which added 2 km to our trip. Most of our GPSs showed around 14 km for forth and back trip, with around 890 m of altitude gain. 

These lucky people took advantage of a wonderful day and a truly enjoyable trail: back row: Piotr, Roman, Adam and Monika. Front row: Andrzej, Beata, Asia, Honorata, Maya and Ania. Missing (taking picture as usual): Andy.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Kilimandżarówki w Edmonton


Dear Friends, our female conquerors of Kilimanjaro (i.e "Kilimandżarówki" - do not mix them with "tirówki") arrived already to Edmonton and to the "royal" welcome arranged by Bosnia and Elzbieta. We are all so proud of them!

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Kilimanjaro topped again!

 With great pleasure I announce that our colleagues, Gosia Stróżyk, Michał Trzecieski i Basia Walter ...

... topped the highest mountain of Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro, 5895 meters, on Saturday, 9 September 2023. Thus, the brave trio joined the elite group of our club members who achieved this in the past. 

Photo-Competition remnants


During my recent trip to BC I had a chance to hand over a couple of awards from the 2022 Photo-Competition. First, the award for being so pretty in the picture "Beauty So Perfectly Composed" was passed to: