wtorek, 19 kwietnia 2022

Wet Monday or the first walk of the season


Wet Monday, (Lany Poniedziałek) is traditionally celebrated on Easter Monday, which is a holiday in Poland. It is a custom on that day that young men and women throw buckets of water on each other, which should be considered a form of an early foreplay. So when the Vice-President for Women, Bosnia (in the center), suggested that the Club meets for a walk, Tilley-Hat-Wearers, and a few others, responded promptly. 

To substitute for the "buckets of water" Jary brought this syringe. One could say then that the watering of the ladies was this time rather "measured."

 We walked as the first order of business, not too far or too fast, making about 3 km in 50 minutes ...

... and then swiftly progressed to the "social."

While Bosnia was serving hot (!) żurek soup ...

... Bożenna poured the first wine ... 

... while Barbara was promoting prosecco

This seemed to work better on men than "buckets of water." Even Jacek, who normally is quite conservative on account of his heart condition, had three proseccos!

Sławek provided us with roasted bacon and music. Not surprisingly, the greatest hit was the song "Przeleć mnie!" (Take me!)

You didn't have to wait too long for the results. Totally "disinhibited" Wojtek pulled out his balls ... I mean Ferrero Rocher balls!

And who could blame him for starring at Barbara's legs ...

... especially the one decorated with sensual jewelry!

What happened next, cannot be described. It is enough to say that even wild geese, at the height of their mating season, came to watch it. However, if you regret not being a part of it, cheer up. We plan more walks and bike rides before the regular "season" of hiking will kick in. It should get warmer with every week. Stay posted! 


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