Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Hazy Nihahi Ridge

 19 September 2020

Nihahi Ridge, South Summit, 2380 m, 10 km + 2 km, height gain +770 m. Mostly hike, some scrambling. 

Yanek (Trip Leader), Basia, Michal, Mikele, Ewa and Barbara. The summit of Nihahi Ridge is above Mikele's head.

After having to cancel this trip on account of poor weather for two consecutive years, we were finally back at the bottom of Nihahi Ridge in Little Elbow Provincial Park. California fires (and one near Canmore, I've heard) created somewhat hazy conditions, but ... what the heck!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Solo ascent of Roche Miette

 29 Aug 2020

After scaling Roche Miette, Boris Bokov is also of the opinion that he would rather give birth than to go there again. To view his short video about his experience, click on the image above. 

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Solo ascent to Mount Lougheed, peaks 2 and 3, Kananaskis, Sept 05, 2020

Solo ascent to Mount Lougheed, peaks 2 and 3, Kananaskis, Sept 05, 2020

I started my trip at 08:30 on August 5th 2020.  A couple of cars were already parked by the trailhead, a couple more pulled over as I did final preparations. A few hikes will later become my temporary companions, as they also were going to Lougheed 2 and 3.

As always, the first couple of hours were spent by walking through  the forest, passing by Spencer Creek. Not much excitement, nor photographs were taken until after I emerged above the tree line into the valley between the wall of Mount Sparrowhawk on one side